Monday, May 23, 2022

Stranded Boys Redux

In case you don't remember who the stranded boys are, here's the first entry. When Doug referred to J's kids as "the stranded boys," my friend Dave thought they were a local band that we were going to see. 


My friend J, mom of the Stranded Boys, once again finds her family unreliable.

She is going to her first conference in 3 or 4 years, she is presenting, nervous, anxious and almost bailed. But she decided to go. Her cousin (who lives locally) agreed to stay with the boys for a week. She then flaked "ohhhhhh, it's that week? oh no i can't. sorry." 


She reached out to me to ask if I'd just sleep at the house and walk the Smol Boi to school. Her oldest is really good and responsible, he could do this by himself if it wasn't a school week. The only thing I'll miss here, really, on the overnight is watching hockey with Doug. 

The good thing is I'll get a mile walk daily taking Smol Boy to school. And if I want, I can pass the house, turn right, turn right, turn right again and add another half mile. I don't have to pick him up, the Big One does that, he walks him home from school. They do their homework, they will have dinner, and I can come around 7. 

Smol goes to bed at 8:30 and he's allowed to watch a videos on his iPad until 9. Screens off. Big polices himself, he'll go to bed when he's tired. 

Friday night I'm thinking I'll take them out for pizza somewhere, and they can come back here so Smol can see the dog he loves so much. Big may have a date with his new girlfriend, we'll see what happens. Maybe I'll ask her if she wants to come. 

I'll pack and get organized during the week  (Doug will have done the laundry and everything). I'll bring them home, sleep there, and get up at 6am to come here and we'll go to the airport. 

J flies home that afternoon. While we land in New Orleans. Geoff will be home in case of emergency. It'll all work out fine. 

She was going to get someone from Care dot com or something similar to come to the house, and I told her that was insane. She hasn't made good friends that she'd ask to do this, and to be honest if I was in a similar situation I'm lucky I have my friend Sara. Sara's got her own 6 year old though so I couldn't imagine asking someone to come to the house and stay. 

Very happy I'm here and unencumbered so I can help. Doug and I have talked about when our lease is up, if they don't renew, where will we go. He's mentioned Virginia a couple of times to me and I have to be honest I'm not into that idea. Geoff will be going to school in Springfield, so we could move there to the west or south maybe find something affordable but it might put us 2 hours away from The Stranded Boys in case of emergency and that'd be sad. 

So, time with the Stranded Boys, we're getting the band back together!

Exercise: Still brutally hot, at the time of this writing, nothing.

Blood Glucose:

10am: 154
3:30pm: 162
11pm: 195


Iced Coffee
3 wraps: 2 pieces of bacon chopped up, 6 slices of turkey (thin sliced) wrapped romaine lettuce with a schmear of mayo
small bowl of yogurt and raspberries
several slices of boneless pork loin with spicy seasoning on a salad with feta and caesar dressing

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