Thursday, May 26, 2022

Day 4: Karate and many smol humans yelling "Ay-YAH!"


Oh no. 

At about 9pm last night, I realized Smol Boi has Karate at 4:30pm on Thursdays. 

I asked him if he wanted to go. Smol Boi very much wanted to show me his moves. 

I didn't anticipate this! Last time I babysat he didn't want to go so he didn't tell me he had class until 2 hours after class. This time, I was prepared with knowledge. And last night he showed me the boards he has broken, and some of his stances and those forms the kids do. 

Ohhhhh okay. I guess we're going to karate. 

First thing in the morning, I scrambled to rearrange my afternoon,. I canceled a meeting with a station on something we're trying to fix and I felt bad about it.

 Doug took the jeep to his office for a meeting and I didn't know what time he was going to get back. I was ready to set up what would be a very expensive Uber ride. Just to make a smol boi happy. 

During the day, Doug, Geoff and I chatted and texted and got it all figured out car-wise. Geoff came over here at 4, right when the boys got home from school. We were good to go.

Smol boi came in, and flopped on the couch and said that he didn't want to go to karate. 

Oh no.  Not after some stressful discussions I had with Doug about getting car arrangements taken care of. No. So I convinced him. I told him... well, I was planning to take him to McDonalds after. He brightened up, got his uniform on, and we went. I was so worried we'd get there late. Geoff normally is at the gym by 2 and found that arriving at 4:15 it was super crowded. There were things in his routine he couldn't get to do because of the amount of people there. I felt bad but he was easy going. 

Karate was fun to watch. None of the parents stay, which is so weird because I remember when Jess took karate we all stayed and watched. One boy said really loud that his dad likes to sit in the car and play on his phone. "It's his favorite thing." Oh honey. You should be his favorite thing.

He doesn't really have a lot of muscle tone and he kind of moves through his forms with not a lot of energy, but some focus and earnestness. It was cute.   

They all got to spar, which I honestly don't remember seeing Jess do when they went through this back in the day. It was interesting. The instructors were both women, and they don't mess around. Firm but incredibly kind. One little girl was crying when they lined up for something (she didn't like where she was in the order) and the instructor said "oh honey I'm so sorry we are murdering you but we'll change orders for the next drill. This is a no crying zone unless you're hurt. Which hopefully will never happen." It kind of made me laugh. 

A trip to McDonalds later, and picking up of Geoff, we came back to the house and he settled in to eat his meal. I told him he could eat it in the car, but he said he wanted to wait. 

All told, a good day in Stranded Boys land. No mice caught yet but one came out from under the ottoman and looked at me this afternoon so it's war. So help me, y'all better get snapping, traps!

Tomorrow is our last day. Smol Boi said "I want to do this again sometime."

Heh. a successful week. 

By the numbahs

Exercise: 1 mile walk to school and back

Blood Glucose

8am (fasting since 8pm) 187
2:30pm 168
10pm 155


2 eggs with cheddar and a leftover spicy sausage with some hot sauce (10:30am)
handful of nuts
I cannot remember if I made a lunch? The eggs were later than breakfast time food, so I don't think I was hungry and the nuts were doing the trick.
Salad of baby greens and tomatoes, chicken breast, bleu cheese dressing

And for fun, here's a picture of my scrambled eggs and hot sausage mess. I liked the purple plate against the couch cushion.

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