Tuesday, August 23, 2022

A little more, a little more

This entry started out with me wildly angry about work and feeling just tremendously overwhelmed by so many things flying at my face. 

I recalled a webcomic called The Oatmeal, and how he drew a picture of what it's like when the World Cup is happening. I feel this way about work right now when I open up my laptop. I told my manager that since February, it's been like I'm a soccer goalie, just standing at my end of the field, watching the game from a distance. 

But now, the ball is coming right for me, and it is not one ball. It is thousands of them. And I'm just kind of ... overwhelmed. I can't catch them all. I can barely stop one or two of them. I feel mowed over.

Like, this picture. I got back from vacation and Sunday I went through all my email. Feeling very stable and ready for the week but now, I am not feeling that. Oy. 

So I wrote up a screed about how frustrated I am. And then I deleted it. I am very tired already. And it is only Tuesday. But it does not really matter. Complaining isn't going to help or fix anything. I need to breathe, do my job, attend my meetings, breathe, walk. 

Tomorrow I meet with the nutritionist at 4pm and am looking forward to talking to her. I've been tracking my food, blood sugar, and exercise, as you well know, dear reader. Today I had to go to the lab to get the A1c rechecked (please be lower than last time, alright?) and I snuck up to my doctor's office to ask to use the scale. 

The nurses behind the counter laughed when I told them their hall scale is the only scale that is not a liar. Every other scale lies. For instance, I weighed myself while on vacation on one of the scales in one of the fitness rooms and it said 215. No. I know I didn't gain 5 pounds since the last time I weighed myself. Liar.

So I walked into the hall and one of the nurses came with me. this was the result.  the scale is very sensitive, because when I picked my phone up to take this picture, it went to 209.3. She took the picture for me. And told me to go ahead and take a pound and a half off of this for the weight of clothing. 

Getting closer and getting down on it. 


exercise: Dedicated 10+21. Laps in house. Doug went for a walk but it is super humid out there. Not for me. So laps it is! 

blood glucose:

8:30am 173
5pm: 185
10pm:  no reading. the battery died in my monitor, it was inevitable. I knew it was coming. But there won't be another reading until I get a replacement! doh! 

coffee, water
through the morning - trail mix while passing through the kitchen (let's call that breakfast)
11:45am - Yogurt w/ berries; Metformin
5:30pm cheeseburger, tomato, cucumber, goat cheese salad w/blue cheese dressing. 
6:30 Metformin+jardiance 

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