Friday, August 12, 2022

In Maine

 We made it to Maine. Hallelujah. 

Last night we stayed in Nanuet, NY and that was the perfect distance between home and here. I thought we were staying in Nyack, but, next town over and to be honest, it was good we didn't have to go another 10 miles. There was road construction, and blinding lights flooding into the car stressed Sean out. I felt horrible for him, so relieved when we finally got to stop the car and get out. 

The day was kind of stressful. 

First, the weather. 

Screenshot from Weather dot com, showing a massive storm on top of my house at about 4:30pm. Sara and Sean live 3 miles north, she was trying to get a prescription filled. Roads were flooded, chaos was reigning, we lost power and I was still working on finishing some things up and just had to stop since there was no internet. 

They got a late start to my house as a result. And thankfully the rain let up so we didn't get totally soaked in the storm loading the car up. It was a tight fit for our stuff, but we Tetrised it all in. 

I had hoped to be at the hotel by 9pm so we could use the pool before bed. 7 yr old Henry was super hype on going in the pool and I was super hype to take him there. Because of the late start, we had a late arrival of about 12:30am. And that's ok because we could hit the pool this morning. 

I met Sara for breakfast at 8:30 and told her I'd meet Henry at the pool. Send him down. He eventually came to join me after refusing to get up (she made him since I was already IN the pool). She had to work while Sean slept in. He did the lion's share of the driving at the end, so. Sleep in, dude. Sleep in.

Henry and I had a blast in the pool, and after a solid hour of nothing but action we headed to our rooms to get ready for the rest of the trip. 

I got to drive from Worcester to Maine, and it brought back a lot of memories.  I so very wanted to get off the highway and show them all the places we used to live, show them where life happened before September 2017. I also hated that we were so close to Jess' place and wouldn't get to see them. But we had to motor on. 

We initially timed everything so we'd get to a meet and greet by 5, and maybe be early enough to check into the hotel. That plan failed thanks to traffic near Lawrence. We survived and went straight to the meet and greet slightly late. My sister and Ginger were waiting for us. We got to meet a bunch of Guster fans, enjoyed the new Guster beer, and basically had a nice visit. 

Sara and her family are at a different hotel than us, right around the corner. We have two rooms here, Linda and Ginger are next door and Kacey and I are in this room. I should wrap this up so we both can go to sleep. There's a lot more to write. I just need to get some rest. 

I will say when we're together super funny shit comes out of all our mouths and we forget what we said later. So this time, I have a notepad. I have been writing things down so we can see if they're really that funny later. 

One of the best funniest things happened right when we left my house. Sara told me that her sweet bitchin' new car can text for her. So she told it to send me a text. I asked her if I replied, would the car read her the text. She said yes. 

Here's a screenshot of the discussion. Enjoy!


everything from Wednesday is a blur. I know I had an apple and peanut butter. And a small salad.Geoff made cheesesteak and I had the meet, onions, mushrooms in a bowl with no roll. No alcohol. A small snack container of cheese, nuts and dried cranberries at about 12:30am. Blood sugar was high. No exercise because we were in the car from 6pm to 12:30am (should have been a better, easier ride but...) 


exercise: Solid "Dedicated 30" of pool time with Henry. Throwing him, catching him, running in place, swimming back and forth to race, fake aqua aerobics that I made up for myself. My arms are sore from throwing a 7 year old repeatedly. 

blood glucose
9am (after I ate breakfast): 211
5pm: 253
11pm: 141

Kind of a mess
iced coffee
2 eggs with bacon
pepperoni slices
mixed nuts
Whopper (didn't eat the bun) 
onion rings
Fried chicken sandwich po boy (didn't eat the roll) 
cole slaw
1 beer 
1 seltzer
wine on ice

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