Friday, August 05, 2022

Have a Corntastic Day

A friend of mine sent me a TikTok of a little kid who likes corn. Now, I'm not a TikTok user but. This is amazing. The interviewer, the kid, the corn, the grandparent laughing. Everything about this just made my day so much better. Sometimes the internet is a wonderful place and not an outright sewer. 

I can't eat any corn anymore. It is forbidden from my low carb life. But I love an ear of corn. Covered in butter. Salt and Pepper. Just like the little kid says. "When I found out corn was real"... and covered in butter.... 

What a summertime joy that is. To mow down row after row of those lumps filled with liquid. 

Shit I can't stop laughing just thinking about how hilarious that little interview is. Kids are a fucking riot, I swear. I guess that while I can't eat corn I can still have a corntastic day and wish that to others. Especially if the amount of joy expressed by this little man is involved.

Sigh. Hope you like that video too. Please watch it.

Our jobs are going to get a lot busier in the next couple weeks. I've been in a lot of meetings and arranging things starting to see items fall into place that I've been waiting a long time for. Glad my vacation is timed when it is, so I can come back and be focused for the next several weeks. 

I actually miss how busy we were in December, January, February. We hit a major stride and rhythm with the team during that time and phase 1 of the project ended. Phase 2 was contingent upon a lot of things out of our realm, and we've been waiting. I thought for sure we'd be ramped back up by May but here it is August. 

It'll be exhausting I'm sure. And I may not get to blog as often if work is going to be like it was. As is I try to start a blog post in the morning, get it rolling, and finish it with the bedtime blood glucose. Usually between 10pm and 11pm. Sp my posts may get shorter and have no pictures, depending on the haps. It'll feel good to be busy. But unfortunately, I've gotten a little used to not being busy and have been distracted and flighty lately. 

We are in the midst of another wild ass weather pattern today. there is a giant storm just south of us. 

I ordered thai food delivery for dinner. We need a trip to the market and Geoff has been studying and pacing all day. I told him he should go to the gym and the market, and he said no.

I think I'll also have a cocktail this evening. I would say "I earned it, it's my reward" but... that seem so strange to say anymore. 

Anyway. It's not corn.


exercise: Dedicated 10

blood glucose:

8:30am 166
6pm: 163


iced coffee
toasted 647 bread, tomato slices, mayo, roast beef
leftover chicken breast diced with another tomato from the garden, and mayo
one chewy chips ahoy cookie 
beef and shrimp pad thai (not a lot), hot chicken curry, larp chicken (i thought it was something else. lol), a little white rice with the sauce in the curry
no Corn.

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