Sunday, August 14, 2022

Tomorrow morning this is over

 Right now, I'm not sure if there is an after party happening post show that I didn't get a super secret handshake to, but, I'm back in my hotel room ready to go to bed. Face tomorrow. Without daily Guster concerts to look forward to. 

Some folks are headed to a camp with the band tomorrow to enjoy some outdoor fun in the sun and the woods but I didn't buy tickets to that. There were a very limited number, and I figured there would be people with kids who wanted to spend that special time. I didn't want to take that from them. I hope everyone has an amazing time. 

A lot to think about and process from the past 2 days, but just wanted to do a post to say what a fun thing this has been to do. And I love my family of friends that I got to hang out with for the past couple days. 

Especially this guy - Spicy V is his name. He makes things so fun, is always coming up with amazing ways to be energetic and happy. He embodies so many wonderful traits. I adore him. I value his friendship. It was nice to be in the same space with him for a while. 

I have a lot of pictures, more of friends than Guster. And that's what I think it is all about.

On to more adventures and love. 

Tomorrow (today, actually) we drive north before we drive south. Dinner with Jess and Carrie. A night in Portsmouth, NH. Then to Boston for a night, Ginger to the airport home. Sadly. 

Then Tuesday, down to my parents' for a couple days, and a couple days at a beach with just me and Linda. 

Still have to figure out how to get home but I'll focus on that maybe on Monday or Tuesday. 

Right now, heart is in the moment. and very happy. 


exercise: beat the 10k fitbit goal. Dedicated 10 blown out of the water. Parked a mile away from the venue, walked it back and forth. Weather was stellar - so happy it was so perfect. 

Blood Glucose:
10am: 190
6pm: 201
11pm: 248

2 good yogurt, snack pack of cheese, nuts, dried cranberries
mixed nuts
snack foods during the day - cheese slices/ritz crackers; salami; hummus & cucumbers, cherry tomatoes
1/2 grilled cheese & bacon; trail mix
2 cans of wine

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