Saturday, May 25, 2024

As I Predicted

My phone rang at 11am. It was mom. I was putting bacon in the oven, but managed to answer. 

Mom: You'll never guess what I just saw on TV.
Me: Guster on CBS Sunday Morning.
Mom: Oh. You knew. 
Me: Of course I did. I didn't watch because I'm busy doing house things, so I figure I'll watch the segments later on Youtube or something. I'm sure the fan group is going bananas. I'm making bacon.
Mom: Oh okay. They're so nice. What a nice interview. And I really like that song they did off the new album, it's called "Ooh La La."
Me: Which song was it? Did he say Ooh La La in the lyrics and say Keep Going a bunch, or was it a bop bop ba baaaa baaaa thing called Witness Tree?
Mom: Oh I don't know. I can't get the porch windows open. I don't have the strength. 

It's funny how she kind of thinks sometimes she knows a detail I may not know about something, such as the Album Title for my favorite band releasing an album 5 years after their last one. So I smiled and let her tell me all about what she thought about my boys. And when she's done talking about a thing, she just changes the subject.

Funny thing is on Facebook yesterday people were posting reminders to all the fan group kids to watch. Set your DVRs. I posted that I wouldn't be watching it but I'd be getting a phone call at some point during the show informing me ... by my 81 year old mom. 


As I predicted. 

So what else did we do today. 

Doug was up early because he heard Geoff bumping around in the kitchen. Geoff is working this weekend, so he does his routine rather early. Toffee got up with Doug, ate brekkie, came back to bed with me. I slept until 9. I thought about getting up but. Meh. Sleep.

We drank coffee and played our phone games. Doug started futzing about, looking for the batteries for the weed whacker, which somehow got put away really good last winter. He finally found them (thank you, God) and charged one up and went out to whack. 

I was about to go out and futz around and evaluate what I still need/want for plants, and talk about the yard with him. That's when my mom called. So I put another battery on the charger for him, monitored the bacon in the oven, did a 17 minute walk around inside. Would have kept going but he came in, and I made lunch. 

Doug bought a spot steam cleaner recently. He had spilled coffee all over the arm of the couch, and so he thought it would be a good thing to get. The couch looks better but not all the way better. He said he'll give it a second go over later on this week. But the amount of dirt this little cleaner took out of the upholstery was gross, even if it doesn't look like it got a lot out. Eep. Toffee is supervising the process. 

I loaded the dishwasher, got the laundry on, cleaned the bathroom, and Doug went to nap (deservedly so, based on the amount of work he did). I folded the laundry that had been washed a couple weeks ago, thinking about what you wear when you go to Vegas. I realized I have no tie dye to go see Dead & Company, Maybe a Guster shirt is appropriate. I may have to really look at things and decide if I need to take myself shopping.

Laundry folded and put away, with the knowledge two more loads would be coming upstairs later (it never ends, does it?) I got ready to fix a pot. But Doug woke up and I asked if he wanted to go with me to buy more plants. He was still feeling groggy, said that I should go ahead without him. 

Without him, I don't have as many hands to hold the things I want to buy, but, I got some things and didn't over buy or go crazy. 

Now, let's fix pots! 

We had a big huge decorative pot break over the winter. I lost (or threw away) a piece of it, but figured it was still good if we put a plastic pot of something inside of it to grow up and out. 

I got out the gorilla glue. 

Now, I don't understand products like this because you open them, use them once or twice, set them aside, and then the product dries all the way solid inside the container so you can't use it again. Bloody wasteful. Any advice anyone has for me to make this not happen in the future, your girl is open to hearing. 

Anyway - the other day at Target I grabbed more thinking to myself this exact thing.  "What if the stuff we have is solid. I'll need this. I'll be sorry if I don't buy it." So last week's me gets a hi-5 from today me. That's exactly what happened. 

I found a second pot that needed fixed, and had all the parts of that one. So I set to work. 

I found one of the old hanging basket pots, crammed it into the broken part and fixed the other missing piece onto the rest of it. Then I fixed the other pot, it's more of a small crock, and I do not have a plastic container that will fit in it, I don't think. 

Overnight, they'll wait, and I'll see if it all holds together tomorrow. It was a busy day. I'm glad we got a lot done! I hope the rain holds off tomorrow and we can hit that patio and get the weeds all out of the cracks, and arrange the table right. I'm ready for more outside time. 

Here are some other pictures that I took of flowers as things are starting to come together. Digits below. 


exercise: 12/12 hours; 17 minute indoor walk while talking to mom and bacon was cooking; 8100+ steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

9am: 161
5pm: 121 (checked 3 times)
10pm: 130 (checked .... 3 times)

12:15pm: tuna melt w/bacon, 2 slices of american cheese, 647 white bread
12:30pm: Metformin
6:15pm: 2 frozen cheeseburgers grilled w/american cheese, 2 kosher dill pickles, a pile of potato chips (and a second bowl of potato chips)
7:30pm: metformin+jardiance
white wine
9pm: trail mix of dried chickpeas, golden raisins, almonds, peppitas, etc

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