Wednesday, May 22, 2024

The Big Day at Work

Right now, all kinds of movement, switches, migrations, and testing are going on at work. I'm a tertiary player to all this, watching from a distance. I'm monitoring the helpdesk tickets. My boss has the on call emergency page assignment.  Things are very quiet, for us at least. Technically, I'm on duty until Midnight, which isn't too far from now, but I normally go to bed now. So I have to hang tight and watch the goings on. 

I am answering helpdesk tickets that are coming in that have nothing to do with tonight's big project. I hope people on the other end don't think I'm normally working this late. I just know the answers, and would rather knock these ones out of the park. One of the tickets that came in was so incredibly rude. I'm sometimes surprised that people write with the tone of "hey, you jerks, why don't you do XYZ, huh?!" 

Dude, chill. Thanks for your message and stuff, I'll like, add it to the requests for features and enhancements. You don't have to be like that.

Anyway, back to the work things. I'm forever impressed watching other people work, and do hard things, and make discoveries of mistakes and jumping into the fire. While I sit back and cuddle my dog. She's so cuddly tonight. Oh and hockey is on. I guess, Let's Go Rangers? 

No more horses in this hockey race for me. I guess I'll cheer for the team playing against the team that eliminated the Bruins. 

Doug is planning our anniversary trip for two weekends from now. He said it is a surprise but I figured it out when I got a password reset for his Caesar's Casino Hotel account, he's planning a trip for us to go to Vegas for 3 days. 

I've only ever been to Vegas once in 2001 to be exact, and we had kids in tow. Doug went to the casino, and I stayed in the hotel room at Circus Circus with the small (back then!) people. 

I'd really honestly rather go somewhere closer. Or not New Orleans because of the "It's Hot As Actual Hell Here" factor. New Orleans and I are February Friends. 

Vegas in June, it's hot too. But summer desert heat with no humidity, I can do that. So this'll be fine and nice, and I appreciate it. I took off Friday next week and Monday the week following. If we fly out Friday morning and are back at a decent time on Monday this is good. (for some reason, my email is associated with his account, so we're staying at Harrah's. I just got the confirmation email. ha.)

I have to admit though, I'll miss this dog. It'll be weird to go away without her. And Geoff will be at work Friday and Monday. She'll have to be in her kennel for the day. I don't think we can leave her free range for 6 hours. 

Anyway. No picture today, digits below. 


exercise: 12/12 hours; 26 minute indoor walk, 7100+ steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

8:30am: 180
5pm: 160
11pm: 124 (had to test 3 times to make sure that was not a lie. got 124, 125, and 130. taking the low digit! not sure how this is possible with all the rice I had for dinner but, I'll take it!) 

11am: small bit of mac & cheese w/bacon
noon-ish: metformin
5:30pm: Salmon, reheated white rice, veggies
6:30pm: metformin+jardiance (finished the last piece of salmon too)
vodka tonic w/zero sugar vodka

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