Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Check That Box

I got to work outside today, several meetings and lots of "oh! Where are you today?" quips, because people are used to seeing my living room. Home. Just ... outside for a change. A delightful change. 

The next three days may also be just as perfect to work outside. Tomorrow we may have thunderstorms. But the daytime looks super. 

Our office has us do this cybersecurity and threats training, the deadline to get it done is Friday of this week. We've had months to do it. So I buckled down and watched the videos and took the quizzes. Done. Check that box. A relief to have it out of the way. 

After my 3pm meeting it started to spritz and quickly got more serious so I bailed and went inside. If I had the umbrella set up, I probably could have stayed out. There was no wind, and it stopped pretty quickly but everything was wet enough that sitting out again would not be good. Things were dry enough by 5:30 so I could sit out while grilling. Doug was going to take the dog for a walk but went to the guest room and a read-nap happened. I didn't do any steps, could have while grilling but felt I'd get distracted if I did. 

Anyway. I forced myself to stay up for hockey and now I can't stay up any longer. Falling asleep with the warm dog on my thigh. Off to bed. No picture, I still owe you the flowers from this weekend but want to put them up together. Tomorrow!


exercise: 12/12 hours. No dedicated 10. Not even a lot of steps tbh. 4500 by bedtime.

blood glucose:

8:30am: 163
5pm: 128
10:30pm: 177

11:30am: english muffin w/pb only; metformin
5pm: about 8 garden veggie crackers from Aldi w/pb
6:30pm: chicken casserole. Instead of tuna casserole, I grilled 2 pieces of chicken, diced it, mixed with the usual concoction for tuna casserole. 
no alcohol, no hockey snacks.

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