Tuesday, May 07, 2024

Continuing the Year Of Firsts

Today is mom's 81st birthday. Tomorrow would be dad's, he would have been 84. 

We are still in our Year Of Firsts, and their birthdays being right on top of each other has always been an easy way to not forget one of them. And this is a year not to forget. 

Over the weekend I was going to order flowers but just forgot/was exhausted. Then last night completely forgot because Hockey. So after I got off the phone with her, I went online and ordered a nice "whimsical" bouquet. 

I didn't check to see that it comes in a vase so I'm going to call in the morning first thing. I don't think she can cut flowers and arrange in the vase she has.

I would usually call on Mom's birthday and then get him on the phone to wish him a happy early birthday. If a birthday fell on Mother's Day, I'd wait until Mother's Day and get 3 calls in one. I called at 7:30pm to make sure I got a call in before she went to bed.

She said she had a good day - she went to the bar for lunch, like she does on Tuesdays (like ya do). There are three women from Brockton who come on Tuesdays too, so they bought her lunch. And she had a piece of white cake with buttercream frosting and strawberries. The bartender put a no blow out candle on the slice, so she blew it out and it lit up again. 

"Wiseasses," she says. Ha. Classic.

This morning we had a client site launch and the pre-launch set up was not complete or set up correctly at the CMS end of things. I kind of was in a panic, and very anxious. My ride-or-die at work and I were stressing a little, and we rescheduled the launch for 10:30am, and waited for the devs to get things straightened up.

I was so anxious that I did steps. I couldn't focus on doing other work things so I just up and started walking around, swinging back to the laptop to see if there was any other news, any slack updates. And when there were none, I walked again.   

Everything worked out alright, the client was in good spirits, we got everything done, even with the delay, 5 minutes before the end of the call. 

Doug didn't take Toffee for a walk, so I'm glad I got my exercise done since he would have been sitting here in the middle of my walking route. I really need to get back to the gym though. Make time for me. Go. 

We started talking about our anniversary and doing something. Geoff came in to tell us he's working Sat/Sun memorial day weekend, which we didn't expect since he already worked his once-a-month weekend, so I wonder if it is a seniority thing where he's the New Kid and gets saddled. I asked if he's working on Monday and he said he wasn't sure.

Doug is starting to think about maybe we'll do something. Maybe. We'll probably have to take the dog with us? Maybe? Not sure yet. But we'll see if we go somewhere. 

Anyway, here's Shirley from 2017 when she broke her hip and was in the rehab hospital. Happy Birthday, lady. Digits below. 


exercise: 12/12 hours; 16 min. indoor walk (stress walking instead of stress snacking); 6200+ steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

8:45am: 164
5pm: 183
10:15pm: 189

coffee/water/hot tea
11:30am: english muffin w/pb and bonnie maman's preserves; metformin
2:15pm: 647 italian bread, mayo, 3 thick slices of deli turkey
6pm: 2 chicken cutlet cluck pucks w/american cheese on them, coleslaw; metformin+jardiance
7pm: 3 entenmann's chocolate covered donuts 
8pm: the rest of the coleslaw, about a cup or so
red wine

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