Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Travails of the Outdoors

At about 10:30 I cam out for a meeting, and it was hot but not too hot. Well, hot enough that my laptop overheated. Ope. I guess the glass was hot enough that it just heated the heck out of the machine. Back inside, cool it down, go to next meeting. Survive. 

I went outside during the lunch hour, poked around plants and flowers. Came back in for more meetings. Ate my lunch quickly in between meetings (missed the 1pm steps by 15 steps because I stayed present for a meeting and didn't turn camera off and walk around. Another Ope). 

It got cloudy, drastically cloudy - the temperature dropped about 15 degrees. No storms, so I went outside. I checked the front flowers, and while I was watering them, Toffee came up and just grabbed one out of the pot and ran. Like a whole ass flower, by the head. I got her to give it back but I was so pissed. And I lifted up the pot to rotate it, and a billion ants came out from under the pot. 

You little shits. No. 

I went inside to get the ant spray, Doug came to find out what I was yelling at so I told him. He communicated to her that the plants are "No." 

She got it. She has this amazing sad look when she does something wrong, and she wouldn't come up the steps to the front door when we told her to come in. Eventually she did. And she sat miles away from me in the living room, until I encouraged her to come up and sit with me.

"I forgive you, just please don't eat my plants like that ever again. I worked hard. They are not for doggies to eat. Thanks." We had a good snuggle. 

Back outside after working for a while, I took the laptop and the dog and a cup of coffee, even though it was super late in the day. Cloudy, cool, no breeze, just nice. 

And it started to rain again. I got inside before it started to pour, but man... how annoying. In and out and in and out I'm like a freaking cat. 

I stashed some cushions against the house, under the overhang, since the rain was coming basically straight down and I figured it's going to stop eventually, and I'm going to want to go out again.  Like a cat. 

Fajitas for dinner, got them marinating in beer, lemon, spices, etc. Got the veggies in some olive oil in a bowl and ready for the copper sheet. 

As promised, here are some photos of the gardening efforts. Flowers aplenty. Digits below. 


exercise: 11/12 hours. Missed 1pm due to meetings. no dedicated 10. 5700+ steps by bedtime.

blood glucose:

8:30am: 158
5pm: 153
11pm: 177

10:30am: small bowl of Mac & Cheese w/bacon
11am: metformin
1:30pm: giant bowl of salad, cucumber, red onion, goat cheese, bacon, mayo
beer left over from the marinade (about ... 2/3 of a can)
6pm: 2 giant burritos. chicken, cheese, refried beans, sour cream, onions, pepper
2 more beers
10pm: protein shake (took blood sugar at 10 and it was 208, so. lowered it a skootch) 

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