Sunday, May 05, 2024

Throw a Dirty 20 and Rescue the Lion

Another zero day for doing anything. I set my alarm for 9:45 to get up and do steps but hit snooze, and missed the 9am hour by a couple steps. Made up for it with an indoor walk. 

Another rainy day, dark and gloomy. Toffee does not like to go out in the rain, so she went about 13 hours without going outside, which is bananas. I just forced her to go out - it is kind of drizzling, and she went under the bushes to get away from the rain and got even more soaked because of how wet the flowers all are. I gave her a thorough rubbing with a towel, and I think she really liked it. 

We talked about doing something. We need to go to the bank, and thought a drive about would be fun but neither of us got motivated, and Doug realized he needed to head to the market and I was going to be playing D&D with Matt and the gang. I wanted to go buy plants this weekend, but with all this rain it's just gross and unmotivating. 

Speaking of D&D, tonight we had a blast. A few times, Matt was stumped and said "we are entering into uncharted territory here," because of how crazy our plans were. I think we end up playing once a month, maybe twice, and it is honestly the funniest time. We have done 2 campaigns and we're all kind of in the mood to kick some major ass in the next one. The last two sessions were mostly shenanigans and how we get out of a really sticky mess. We all did well, and hey, we rescued a lion who now is part of our party. 

It's very silly, I know. but we honestly have just the best time and it is a happy two hour escape. Hot tea at hand.

Doug recently got a St. Louis cookbook out of a little free library and tonight made dinner from it. It was like mac & cheese but a cheesier, creamier sauce, and meatless. It could have used some chicken for ya girl who needs some protein to balance out the carbs. 

No picture today since life is so blah and dark and gloomy. Hoping to start feeling better soon. Sleeping 13 hours a day sounds nice but. 

And no, it isn't Covid. I checked. 

Anyway. Digits Below.


exercise: 11/12 hours, missed 9am by a couple steps. Indoor walk while Doug was at the market, about 16 minutes. 5600+steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

10am: 196
4:30pm: 162
10:15pm: 171

coffee/water/hot tea
11am: metformin, 2 slices of 647 toast w/pb
6:30pm: a doug concoction, pasta w/mushrooms and broccoli in a cheese sauce (1 bowl, tempted to 2 but.) Metformin+jardiance
8pm: a couple scoops of no sugar peanut butter, some edam cheese
red wine

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