Saturday, May 11, 2024

Hello Mister Sun

Nothing much to report. The rain held off all day so Geoff got the lawn mowed, Doug went to target. We had a heck of a downpour and a giant double rainbow around 7. It was cool. Better update tomorrow. And of course, cel phone cameras don't capture the real colors. but. 

Digits below.


exercise: 12/12 hours; 31 min. walk. 7600+ steps by bed

blood glucose:

10am: 189
5pm: 144
10pm: 185

noon: metformin
1:30pm: chicken salad
6pm: bowl of chili w/ fritos, sour cream, shredded cheddar
8:30pm: ramekin of pretzels w/ port wine spready cheese. 4 beers (hockey)

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