Sunday, May 26, 2024

Patio Day

Today we got the patio in order and it was a very busy day. Doug and his weed whacker were the heroes. 

I moved furniture around and moved me around while little bits of stuff were flying all over the place. I didn't get a picture but Toffee wanted to be right where the weed whacker was at all times, so Doug and I had to constantly police her whereabouts, so she didn't get her nose whacked. 

I put more flowers in pots. I am one pot short. Earlier I had too many pots and not enough flowers. And now I've got some more flowers that need a home. I found a pot in the house I think I'll use, and then I found a busted pot and all 3 pieces so I'll glue them tomorrow. I just didn't have the energy for it by the end of the day. 

I hose scrubbed the back steps up to the door. Found where millions of ants were hanging out and hosed the hell out of them and then sprayed with the ant spray. Jerks. I raked all around the grill area and raked up everything Doug hit with the whacker. 

A critter got up and stole one of my not-yet planted flowers off the patio table, I found it in the grass with the little flowers chewed off. Doug wondered if it was the bunny, but the flowers were on the table, so I doubt the bunny is getting up there to steal flowers. I forgot to make a cayenne pepper spray to put on the flowers to keep this from happening, so I hope everything survives the night at this rate. 

It was a challenge enough to put the table back on the patio in the final steps of cleaning up. Today was exhausting. Tomorrow I'll go get the rest of the cushions from the basement, clean the glass on the table. We're 90% there. 

We worked pretty much 3 hours straight, and I had to stop only because it was time for D&D. We had a good two solid hours of shenanigans and laughs. I'm so happy I'm nerding out with this crew.  

Jess and Molly went to my mom's today to help with the patio windows, take her to lunch, do some cleaning. I'm so in love with the idea of them going to help grandma when they have time. Jess is house sitting in Wellfleet, so they're down there, and took the day to go over and help. After leaving my mom's they called to tell me Molly had left to go back north, and they were on their way back to the cat and Wellfleet. We talked for the whole ride (about an hour) and even longer once they got back to the house and fed the cat. 

I miss Jess when they are not around physically, so a full hour plus chat was a real treat. 

Anyway. Off to bed. Here are a couple other pictures. Doug being a champion (and Toffee not in the picture, she was running around). 

And our fire pit fell apart while he was moving it. Sadness. He found that in someone's trash back in 2018, we used it all the time. We'll find another, I'm sure. Doug will be looking at peoples' trash. But I think we should just go buy one. It'll be faster. 

RIP, fire pit! You were awesome and will be replaced. Digits below.


exercise: 11/12 hours. Slept through 9am on accident; no dedicated 10 but lots and lots of yardwork movement. 7600+ steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

10:30am: 136
4pm: 189
9:45pm: 140

11:30am: english muffin w/peanut butter+dollop of bonnie maman's cherry preserves; metformin
6pm: spaghetti+meatballs
7:30pm: metformin+jardiance
white wine

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