Friday, May 03, 2024

Big Naps

I am struggling with a cold today, all clogged up in my head and sluggish in the body. I can hear Doug downstairs coughing. Yesterday I wore a sweatshirt, socks, and bundled up under a sheet on the couch. If I'm feeling cold, you know I'm sick. I even took a 90 minute nap after work yesterday, which you'd think would ruin me for sleep for the night, but no. I was out cold at my close to usual bedtime. 

I may have a fever, not sure. I can't take my temperature because somehow I can't find any thermometers and the 3 I found are clearly labeled DOG, meaning they've been thrust up some canine's butt and we want to make sure no one thrusts that into their mouth, ya know? 

Heavy sigh. 

The thing about WFH and being sick is I have no real need to actually take off. I'm up. I'm doing steps. I'm drinking coffee. I'm making chicken salad. I'm doing all the things - I can answer helpdesk tickets and not burn an actual sick day or sick couple of hours. I just checked my accruals, and I have 39 sick days. Thirty Nine. I'll save them for when I am actually sick. 

At about 3pm I tapped out for the day and went for a lie down. Somehow, I still managed to wake up just before 4:55 pm and did my 4 and 5pm steps. I went back to bed and slept until I heard Doug and Geoff making dinner at 6:45. Got up. 

They made mac & cheese and even though I should not have had it, I did. I was so hungry. Sorry tonight's blood sugar reading. 

Geoff is working this weekend. His job requires 1 weekend a month, so this is his weekend. He worked the weekend before we went away, had his bereavement days, and now is working this weekend, which seems like a lot of days but I pointed out that he could have been put on Memorial day weekend and didn't get scheduled. 

I can't believe it is May already. 

Anyway. Toffee and I had some fun playing today with her balls before we both went to nap. Here's my favorite pic from that fun. 

Digits, below, for Thursday and today.

Friday digits 

exercise: 12/12 hours of 250 steps; no dedicated 10; 5200+ steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

8:30am: 156
6:45pm: 154
11pm: 263

coffee/water/hot tea
10am: english muffin w/pb and low sugar j.
10:30: Metformin
1pm: large bowl of chicken salad w/walnuts and craisins
7pm: metformin+jardiance; bowl of mac & cheese w/a couple mini-sausages
8pm: 2 ramekins of pretzels
white wine

Thursday digits 

exercise: 12/12 hours of 250 steps; no dedicated 10; 4600+ by bedtime

blood glucose:

9:30am: 175
5pm: 154
10pm: 205

coffee/water/hot tea
10:30am: english muffin w/pb and low sugar jelly; metformin
2pm: ramekin of sunchips
7pm: chicken fajita stuff w/o the wrap (too lazy to make that happen) in a bowl; metformin+jardiance
8:30pm: ramekin of pretzels

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