Monday, May 27, 2024

Dancin' to the Dead (and Company)

It has been threatening. 

All morning, all day, it has looked like the sky was just going to open up. The breeze was breezing. The leaves were busy. The clouds were boiling. But nothing was happening. 

Doug and I went out to the patio this morning with our coffee. Kind of a perfect day, a little humid but the breeze was just sublime and beautiful. He futzed on his computer, I fixed a broken pot, and put impatiens into a couple of small pots to stretch them out. Finally all the little flowers have homes.

After fixing up the pot, I looked at the radar and the storms are to the north and south, and east. The Delmarva is getting pounded, it seems. Funny, I thought about us going there for the weekend but remembered it was Memorial day weekend and 9 million people would be out there, with one bridge to get us back over from the shore. No thanks. Worse than Cape Cod. 

Doug took Toffee for a walk and I thought about going too, but opted to get potato salad going. It's a bit of a production, you gotta do the hard boiled eggs and cook the bacon, so there's a half hour. I use the egg water to boil the potatoes (so thrifty, much love of earth), and so while things were cooking I did steps inside. 

Steps went longer than usual due to grooving around the house thanks to Dead and Company. 4 Guster songs is 20 min, 2 Dead songs are like a half hour at least. So if you get a good jam going, it's a good walk. 

I'm getting prepared to see them live next (this!) weekend, I haven't been following much along since Jerry died (like, 30 years ago?) My co-worker T is completely into them, with John Mayer on lead guitar and vocals. A lot of people have been so very against that fact. Like "no. John Mayer can't do Jerry's things," but, he's actually pretty good. He's pretty damn good. I'll take it.

The band is doing a residency at the Sphere, through July ... every weekend. How convenient and how kind of them to be performing for our anniversary. 

I told Doug that I need to go to the mall and get the most comfortable walking shoes on earth AND I need some frickin' tie dye. I surprisingly have no tie dye (although I was planning on wearing a special Guster t-shirt that I don't take out often for this show).

He told me about the Shakedown Street merch residency at the Tuscany Suites Casino for the vendors that's happening too, and I can get all the tie dye I want if so inclined. I didn't know the street vendor scene at dead shows is called Shakedown. 

Him: They open at 11am. 

Me: What time is the show?

Him: 7pm. There's also a craft brewery there. We can get lunch.

Me: We gonna hang out for 7 hours before the show having craft beer and buying tie dye shirts and shit?

Him: Hell no, we'll get stuff and go back and nap. Duh.

Hilarious. Okay then. Here's me getting a bunch of dancing bear shit for the show. 

Around 7pm, it finally let loose. The sky finally did open up. Thunder, lightning, absolute downpour. Power flickered on and off repeatedly for about a half hour. Doug and I were trying to watch a movie and that was thwarted repeatedly. 

I've had a little too much wine so off to bed with myself. Only one picture today, friends. I took a ton, but will post them tomorrow. 

Goodnight. Digits below. Oh. This little box was my mother in law's. She had it by the front patio last year and was going to pitch it this year, so Doug rescued it, and now it is home to my happy little plants. 


exercise: 12/12 hours. Indoors 36 minute walk. Could have kept going but had to cut potatoes and get them boiling; 7k steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

9am: 163
5:15pm: 146
10:30pm: 153

10:45am: bowl of mac&cheese w/hamburger
11:30am: metformin
Wine starting at about 3pm 
6pm: sausage and potato salad
9pm: trail mix and mixed nuts, and heartburn

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