Wednesday, May 15, 2024


I was supposed to have a dentist appointment today but Doug realized he has not been to the dentist for over a year and commented that he should make an appointment. So I gave him my appointment. I'm cool like that. 

My plan was to garden. It rained all day and stopped right before Doug left, so I did my inside walk and then got dinner in the oven and went out to do gardening, and.... it started pouring. Luckily Geoff made it home in time, and it let up for Doug to walk home, but no gardening was done. 

Dinner was okay. I had a check-in through a program at work with a colleague in Beijing China! 9am her time (tomorrow) to 9pm my time Wednesday here. I met her cat. 

Anyway, that's my day. Here's Toffee pining for Doug after he left for the dentist.


exercise: 12/12 hours;  29 min indoor walk; 7400+ steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

8:30am: 179
4:15pm: 154
10:15pm: 168


11am: grilled cheese w/ turkey and bacon; small bowl of mac&cheese w/bacon (left over from geoff's lunch) metformin
6:30pm: 2 frozen burritos in a cheese/salsa/sour cream sauce; several crackers; metformin+jardiance
white wine

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