Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Mall Walker

Tomorrow is a big day at work, and my team gets to watch from the sidelines as The Big Project is launched for our new corporate website. We deal with the clients - but our website feeds their website. I'll be working late tomorrow, monitoring tickets and the emergency paging system. 

Wish us luck, send us love and grace, manifest things, blah blah yes. Thank you.

Tonight I wanted shake & bake so I went to Target instead of Giant. Prices are best at Aldi but you can't get half of what you want and still spend 200 bucks without getting all the things you need. So Target is good for the dry goods and sundries, Giant is good for meat. Aldi is good for some produce, some bread, canned stuff. I hate going to three stores when I want something. 

But for tonight, it was just shake & bake. And coffee. And Zquill. And before you know it I've spent 200 bucks. 

I did take a good walk in the mall though. I've become a mall walker, I guess. But I was there, it was there, things happened. I used to work in a mall, and when I'd open the bakery, of course one has to be there at 6am to bake. There were always old ladies and men, usually in groups, like a gang. Sassy fast walkers. And then they'd be right there when I'd push up the gate to get coffee and a croissant. Friendly old biddies they were. I had a little laugh just thinking about being as young as I was, in charge of money and food, and supervising people. Those were the days.

Alright. Not much more to say. Wiped out. Here's my dog. And digits for Monday and Tuesday are below.

Monday digits 

exercise: 12/12 hours; 15 min. inside walk while cooking dinner. 6k+ steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

8:30am: 154
4:30pm: 161
11pm: 164

10:15am: pbj, low sugar jelly on 647 multigrain bread
11:30am: Metformin
4:30pm: 3 chocolate chip cookies
6:15pm: large piece of chicken parm
1 glass of white wine (ran out!) 

Tuesday digits 

exercise: 12/12 hours;  16 min. walk in the mall after parking and before Target; 7k+ steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

9am: 166
5:30pm: 154
10:30pm: 151

11:30am: ramekin of tuna salad
noon: Metformin
6:15pm: 2 pork chops w/shake & bake, 4 pierogis; a very large slice of chocolate cake; Metformin+jardiance
vodka tonic w/zero sugar tonic

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