Thursday, May 30, 2024

The Ready Getting

One of my coworkers took a task from me two weeks ago and didn't quite get it done and buttoned up, so we had a chat this afternoon around 4pm, and I took it back. 

She asked me if I'm mad at her and no, I'm not. I just wish we'd met on it earlier in the week but no big deal. No one is dead, no one is dying, there's no nuclear fallout. It's okay. Happy to plow through the thing. I'll have it done tonight, and tomorrow morning (even though I'm on vacay) I'll pen the email to send to the stakeholders, and be done with it. 

I'm not feeling bad about it because to be honest, I don't do well in the mornings, I tend to get trucking around 2pm, and then I'll honestly keep going long past 6pm. So this is perfectly fine for me. Doug will finish work at 4:30, and want to go for a walk and I'm like no, sorry, still working. So he thinks maybe I work too much but the reality of it is I just do my best work after dinner. I finished what I needed to do by 10:30pm and then decided the email can wait until the morning for sure. 

Doug and I both need bloodwork done, the lab opens at 8am so we'll go over first thing. 

I didn't get to go buy new walking shoes, I had planned on gently disappearing this afternoon but there was a huge thing at 5pm that required all hands on deck. So no sneaking away for me. Maybe tomorrow. After the bloodwork? 

I did spend time today rifling through the closet for sandals and flip flops. I found the Tevas that I like that are for walking and the Tevas that are for fancy. Doug checked us into our flight successfully. We are checking one bag and bringing one carry-on. I need to download some podcasts. We both want new earbuds so on the way back from bloodwork maybe mall and best buy. 

Mine are okay but Doug doesn't have any and he wants. So. We'll hook him up. There's also the overpriced electronics store at the airport in a pinch.

Oh! I just realized we'll get refrigerator magnets at the Vegas airport. Hell. Yeah. 

Today was much cooler than yesterday, and sunny and beautiful. I took all my meetings on the patio. It was truly lovely. Even the meeting about things not getting done. 

Toffee sat on the patio next to me while I worked, so sweet and nice. We also played ball. And she'd run around the house and be surprised to see me sitting out there. It was funny. 

No plants were pulled out of the pots today. 

Alright. Time for bed. No picture, I gave them all to you yesterday. Ha. 


exercise: 12/12 hours. No dedicated 10. 5500+ steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

8:15am: 153
4:45pm: 143
10pm: 135

noon: metformin; english muffin w/peanut butter and a little bonnie maman's cherry preserves
6:30pm: bowl of cheesesteak stuff, meat, onions, mushrooms
7:30pm: metformin+jardiance
9pm: white wine

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