Saturday, May 18, 2024

Missed Recital

Sara called me at 1:30 to tell me she'd save me a seat at the recital. 

"Ohhhh, it's today?" I asked, "I thought it was Sunday at 1:45." She said she'd texted me to let me know she gave me the wrong date. I ... have not been getting all of my texts lately and it is a problem. I'm super pissed about it. 

It poured today and there would have been nothing better to do than go sit indoors at a kids' music recital to pass the time. 

I had not yet showered. I had started drinking wine (ha) around 1pm (day drinking isn't day drinking if you don't start during the day, amirite?) 

There was no way I could make it. She was on speaker phone in the car and Hen said "can you try and make it?" and Sara and I both laughed. Both of us know when you're in a slug phase, you aren't able to make the effort. 

Shit though, I mean, boo. 

I asked her to let me know where he was in the lineup. He was fifth. I would not have been able to jump into gear and make it. No way. 

There are days I can't get out of my own way. Most of today was that way. Same for Doug. 

I thought we'd go to the farmers' market, maybe buy more flowers for the pots and stuff but ... pouring. We had talked about going to visit his Aunt today. We talk about that almost every weekend, to be honest. We. Just ... don't. At about 2 I said to him are we going to do anything today? Should I like, shower or something?

He was headed to the bedroom to "read," which translates to read a couple of pages and take a nap. So I figured oh whelp. Not going to bother. 

He went in, I made cookies (productive!!!) and I did 20 minutes or so of steps in the livingroom/kitchen/bedroom. I thought about going to the gym but I figured on a rainy afternoon, it was going to be mobbed and passed on the concept. Then I was mad at myself while I did my steps. 

But I did make cookies. So I'm not an entire/complete failure. Oh and I folded laundry because I needed underpants.

Sara posted Hen's video to Facebook and he killed it. He was nervous about making a mistake, and I wasn't there to pep talk him. Before his first recital last year, I emailed Brian from Guster and asked him if he'd give a pep talk. He emailed me a video that Hen watched before going on. Brian's advice was to not worry about making a mistake. Enjoy making the music and no one is going to notice your mistake. As long as you are enjoying making music, that's all that matters. It really is the sweetest little video. We're so lucky to be fans of this band, that he's going to have this keepsake forever to look back on. 

Anyway. That's about it. I did take a picture today. I did this instead of jumping off the couch and throwing dry shampoo on my hair and finding a blouse and brushing my teeth to go be with Hen. 

I'll get him next time. And bring him roses again. 

Digits below.


exercise: 12/12 hours; 21 minute indoor walk; 6700+ steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

9:45am: 180
4pm: 184
10:15pm: 206 (the sin of chocolate chip cookies, mate).

noon: metformin
1:30pm: grilled gouda & turkey on 657 multigrain bread
5pm: 3 chocolate chip cookies
6pm: nachos w/ground beef, cheddar cheese & salsa (more meat than chips)
white wine & zero sugar ginger ale
8pm: 2 more cookies. 2 baby bell cheeses

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