Sunday, May 12, 2024

Mom's Day

Today being Mother's Day, I'm not sure I've ever actually written about this but Doug does not celebrate mother's day - for me. He has told me, "you're not my mom." 

Uh, okay? But. I'm your wife and mom of the children that you knocked me up with so lavish me with adoration and love. Or else? 

But I get it. It is the kids' responsibility to celebrate me. When they were little though, he did not take them out to buy me things. He didn't encourage this with them. 

I think of my dad, because, of course, we are in our year of firsts yet. My dad always bought my mom things for mother's day, on our behalf. 

Even long after we were grown and gone. 

My dad "got it," as it were, whereas Doug sees it differently. Neither of them are wrong. But I kind of wish Doug had a stripe of my dad. 

I got calls and texts from other friends, other moms, wishing me a happy mother's day. I texted friends and beat them to it. Geoff forgot a little bit that it was mother's day, but he made up for it. He got all our laundry from the bedroom and he swept the kitchen because it sorely needed it. 

Jess' best friend called me (before Jess did, noted!) to wish me a happy mother's day AND tell me she got engaged. Which was all very incredibly sweet. Jess did call me and we talked for an hour about all sorts of stuff.  

My own kids and the kid friends of my kids are dear to me. And I love them all. 

Doug and I went to deposit some paper checks we had, and we went to pick up plants for the patio and porch. We found ourselves by beer as well, so we had a couple pints and made it home in time for hockey. 

I may not be his mom, but he did take me out for some nice stuff.

Digits below this picture of a fun thing sticking out of a plant at the nursery.


exercise: 11/12 hours;  missed 4pm because we were stuck in traffic. 5200+ steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

9:30am: 164
6:30pm: 194
10:30pm: 291 (damn you, pretzels)

noon: metformin; whole grain english muffin w/ pb& low sugar jelly
2:30pm: about 1 cup of chicken salad
6pm: 2 beers at babycat
7pm: 2 cheeseburgers, no buns, tater tots, mayo+ketchup.
9pm: nervous eating pretzels and spready chees, 3 more beers.

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