Sunday, July 10, 2022

"Dedicated 10"

 Doug is taking a nap, he was up around 7 and now he's snoozing. I slept until Geoff started mowing the lawn at about 9:45. Someone should talk to that boy about being less industrious so early in the morning. 

I got up and we got some breakfastlunch going. I popped bacon in the oven. It was labeled "thick cut" but that was a hell ass lie. Geoff got himself a grilled ham and cheese going, I cut up tomato, cantaloupe, and an avocado. Doug made an omelet for himself once the bacon came out. Presentation wise, it looked restaurant quality with the sliced avocado and cantaloupe on the side.  

I was going to make the same, but noticed when Geoff went shopping he bought 647 bread. Compared to other bread, per slice this has 6 net carbs, 40 calories per slice, and 7 grams of fiber. 

With all the beautiful tomatoes we have, I couldn't resist. 

I toasted one slice (the bread is much smaller than most loaves of bread too by the way) and put a schmear of mayo on the toast, 2 thick slices of tomato, piled up a side of sliced avocado, and crumbled bacon on top of it all. 

And didn't take a picture because it was gone in a hot minute. 

There's something magical about mayo against a tomato. a little salt and pepper, it's just summertime in my face. I love it. Part of me wanted 11 of this. But I stuck to the one. 

With Doug napping, I was dicking around playing games on my phone and decided that since I didn't do the actual exercising yesterday I'd do it right now. I walked around on the main floor a little but our kitchen floor is creaky, and I couldn't lap into the bedroom or guest room lest I disturb the sleeping creature, so I went downstairs.

Downstairs is a project I should revisit, and we really should get it organized better. I feel like I never got that fully under control. It is useable, Doug works down there, and there's a desk for me but Geoff has kind of taken it over since I've been working up here and he needs a study space. 

I didn't want to walk up and down the stairs dozens of times, since I did have that amazing fall a couple months ago, so after a few laps up here I went down the stairs. Phineas followed me step for step and then when I got close to the stairs he ran up. 

Then he ran down. And up again, and down, and up... I walked to the bottom of the stairs and did 2 solid minutes of steps up on the bottom step, with Phineas standing there looking at me like "c'mon lady, WHAT are you doing?" 

Indeed buddy, what AM I doing? 

We (because he worked it too) did the solid 10 minutes of movement. I came upstairs and we walked around for a few more laps. I basically cleaned up glasses that were on the side tables in the livingroom, walked into my bedroom to put a few things away, worked on putting things away in the kitchen. That added another 3 of solid, non stop movement. 

I'm wondering if mister man wakes up from his nap if he's going to want to go somewhere or do something.

He usually does that right before I feel like taking a nap. We are on very different schedules sometimes. 

It's a cloudy and soupy day out there, but it isn't that horribly humid or hot. Maybe I'll just go out and work on the morning glories and check the weeds in the garden. We have those pots of flowers I put out, and the petunias all died. The vinca fine is doing great in both of them though, so maybe we can get some substitute flowers and reinvigorate that area. It all needs weeded too, but it rained so much that going out there to sit amongst the weeds and pull isn't something I feel like doing. 

Pictured, Phineas wondering WTF am I doing with this stair thing. 

exercise: Dedicated 10 plus 3; 5 minute stroll to the pokestop with the dog. He makes it difficult to sustain a stroll with sniffing and stopping.

Blood Glucose:
10am: 163
5:45pm: 173
10:30pm: 180

iced coffee
slice of toast. Mayo+tomato on top. Bacon. 1/2 avocado
roasted chicken with summer squash and onion
1 Triscuit w/brie. Didn't have more because I didn't like the brie. God's way of stopping me from having Triscuits I guess.

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