Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Downward Trend

The A1c test results were emailed to me at 12:30am. I thought about getting up and checking my mail when the ding came through but actually was doing a great job sleeping, and easily went back to sleep. 

7.4% was the result.  Downward trend. Moving in the right direction. Not quite a whole percentage point down from the 8.2% it was when last tested, but I'd hoped for 7.5% and got a little extra. It's much better than the one pound loss! 

Therapeutic range is below 7, I got there in late 2020 with minimal effort. Once the Covid hit me in December 2020, I really started eating poorly again. For a while there the only thing I could eat that tasted like Not Shit was sourdough toast, and chicken soup with tons of leftover chinese food delivery white rice reconstituted to incredible joy... so I'm staying away from breads, rice, potatoes. 

That low mark on the chart is 6.8%,  I don't have medical records included in this from before we started with this insurance/doctor. I'm pretty sure I have a folder of all my medical records and can pull things out, but, recalling when Dr. E told us this was going to be a reality for both of us back in maybe 2008, and we did the Atkins and really got the blood sugar thing and A1c down... It's been a roller coaster for a long time. And several years of just not taking any of this seriously until my current doctor got bossy. 

Thought about "rewarding" myself with a bagel this morning, but that's not a reward. That's a harm. And do no harm to others AND myself is very important. Last night I stuck with water (3rd night in a row) and didn't have beer or wine. Although it was greatly desired. 

Will do a full entry later on for today with digits and food and stuff. Just wanted to get a "whew" out here that the report came in and it's pretty much what I'd hoped for. Looking forward to testing again maybe in 6 weeks or so. Let's keep going. Downward and Lesser!


  1. Eliz in Rockport2:33 PM

    Congratulations!! Good job!
