Monday, July 18, 2022

Hazy Hot and Henry

When we lived in Boston there was a great radio station called WFNX. We listened religiously for years. Especially to the morning program "The Sandbox." I once told one of the former hosts that Jess and I would die laughing when they'd sing the olympic theme song with their own silly lyrics. He said he didn't ever remember doing that. I asked Jess and immediately the song came out of their mouth. 

It happened. Maybe as a fan I remember a lot more than the people who actually did the thing. I think that is sometimes the case. I know I've heard people say they wrote or recorded specific songs, but don't remember them at all. 

Their news guy was Henry Santoro. He was a joy to listen to. He now works at WGBH, which I do not listen to but I'm incredibly glad to know he's still out there doing his magic news thing. 

One of the things they would always say when reporting the weather was saying it was going to be "Hazy Hot and Henry." I always found that amusing. So whenever it is like today, 90 plus degrees, 90% humidity, heavy air, I think about Henry. 

It is not brutally hot out, it's regular hot. Which is too hot for me. And I think to myself this is Hazy, Hot, and Henry. 

It'll be in the 90s all week this week, so I'm trying not to complain. We're getting a giant thunderstorm right now, torrential rain, and it's not cooling things off. It's almost like it is bringing in more hot with it. Crazy.

I had a short break between meetings earlier this afternoon, and went out to the garden. A lot of of our red and yellow cherry tomatoes were ready for picking, and one larger tomato. Some of the tomatoes need me to revisit and tie them up on the stakes higher. They're growing a lot but nothing is turning red. We had this problem last year, where things just stayed green and we felt utterly ripped off. I'd like to know if we're doing something wrong. At least the chipmunks and squirrels are not pulling them off, eating 1/3 of the fruit and then leaving the abused fruit behind. While looking us in the eye through the kitchen windows.

Several of our peppers are ready, or I think they're ready. We have a purple one! And several of what I think are jalapeno or red peppers or something. They're all really pretty. I'll have to look at their little plastic dealies to see what's happening with them, what they're supposed to look like. 

After I picked tomatoes, I came inside to rinse them, and my hands smelled so nice. I love picking them, or cutting parsley, dill, and chives, and when I'm finished my hands smell like summer and earth. 

It pays to accept the heat sometimes.

Digits down there.


Exercise: I passed on everything including the Dedicated 10. God today was just a big No.

Blood Glucose

8:00am 186
5pm 168
10pm 168

iced coffee
tuna sandwich on 2 pieces of 647 bread; big bowl of homemade chicken soup
piece of chicken parm (too big, put half of it away for tomorrow)
red wine
a klondike low-sugar bar
ramekin of zen party mix

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