Friday, August 25, 2023


Before I went off on my travels and adventures, Doug bought a lot of blueberries and peaches. I came back and discovered no one had really touched them. There were 5 peaches left, 2 were unredeemable. Three just needed some unhappy spots cut out of them. I diced them up and put them in a little sweetener thinking I'd drop them in yogurt. 

Then, I eyeballed the 2 pints of blueberries. Again, some were unredeemable but a lot were okay. I ended up with 2 cups of healthy looking blubes, and mixed them with the peaches. 

I forgot about them. But today there they were, sitting in the refrigerator. Waiting. I figured I'd make muffins. 

I picked a low sugar/high fiber oatmeal muffin recipe, and set to work. I had to soak the oats in milk, which was alright. Good. Honey instead of sugar. Okay, I'll do that and use a little less of it. Mixed it all up, buttered the hell out of 2 muffin tins and was about 4 muffins short of a dozen. No worries, no problem. 

Sitting here during a meeting where I timed the baking to coincide with the conclusion of the confab, it was torture sitting here smelling those bad boys. 

Doug came up and declared them done 5 minutes before the timer went off. I'm glad he did, because otherwise they would have burned a bit. 

Consistency, wonderful. Flavor? Not a lot sadly. I feel like not using sugar to soak the peaches and blueberries in, and using a no-carb sweeter, I did them a disservice. The muffins Doug made earlier in the summer were screamingly flavorful because farm stand blueberries, well, they're just special.

The oatmeal was perfection. So many other recipes didn't call for soaking. This was just right. I'd do it again.

I had 2. Meant to have only one but. Oops. Digits are impacted, and are listed below.


exercise: 11/12 hours of 250 steps. Missed 7pm by a few steps.

blood glucose:

9:30am: 166
5pm: 215
9pm: 221


coffee, water, iced coffee
11:45: 2 small chicken thighs left over from the other night, on top of the left over salad from last night
12: Metformin
1pm: handful of fritos while mixin' up muffins
2pm: 2 blueberry oatmeal muffins
3:45 another muffin (oops)
6:30pm: chicken parm
7pm: metformin+jardiance
9:30pm. Yet. another muffin

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