Thursday, August 03, 2023


It's been a long time since I just have not felt well. This afternoon I came down with a headache and a stomach ache, and took a nap during work (2 sick hours I guess because I am not making that time up). Luckily nothing was going on or needed my attention. Thankfully. The only time I've napped during my WFH existence was Covid recovery time, when I would work a couple hours, and go to sleep for a couple hours. I'd do what I had the energy for, and then rest. Today felt like one of those days.

We got up very early this morning to get the Mini to the garage and come home. The dog was up a lot last night unlike the night before when he totally slept so much. I feel like part of my feeling unwell was the lack of decent sleep. Fitbit says I slept 6 hours last night, but, I doubt it. I was awake and just very still at some points.

Geoff ran errands. He went to the gym and the grocery store, thankful for that. We needed to send Phineas' pee to the vet so I got the sample, and Geoff dropped it off for us but forgot to pick up his regular medication. That's okay - we have enough for tomorrow. 

I put away all the groceries he bought and climbed into bed, fell asleep immediately. 

For dinner, Geoff opted to make ground chorizo quesadillas, which initially I had NO interest in eating, but, I felt hungry around 7 and caved. They smelled good and while I still had a stomach ache, these were not the end of the world.

I feel a little better, after some antacids and the nap. 

I don't like feeling blah or shitty. I like feeling super great. I like getting through my work day. I don't like bailing on my team. 

RCJ said to me the other day I may be feeling weird and off because that's a trauma response, and to just do what I need to do just for myself. Perhaps that's true. Part of it is I just feel sick. I hope I don't have something unwanted.

I am wondering if the yogurt I ate wasn't right? Maybe? it was the end of the container, it didn't have mold or anything wrong looking about it. Who knows.

Today I made Hard Boiled (HB!) Eggs for the boys, and Julia Child would have approved. A couple of the shells cracked when I added ice to the cold water to give them an ice bath and stop cooking (oops). I do not like HB eggs personally, so I made a deviled egg just for me. I thought about taking 6 of the 9 I made to put them all on the platter nice, but I wanted to get the one that really cracked and was in need of immediate eating to get out of the way. 

The deviled part: Egg yolk, salt, pepper, mayo, yellow mustard, topped with a sprinkle of paprika. I didn't go out to the garden for dill or parsley, I just wanted to get it made. And they were delightfully tasty. Not what I would have done if I was making a whole tray. There would have been dill, and bacon, and the coarse pepper would have been mixed with the mayo far in advance to soften ... it was crunchy and a little unpleasant. But overall, these were lovely and what a treat. I should do this more.

After dinner tonight I made more bracelets while we watched a BBC show called Sick Of It. Nice to see my man Karl Pilkington doing an incredible acting job as himself and the voice in his head. Highly recommend. I have just under 100 bracelets and am going to just keep cranking. I totally want an impressive collection for the Fest next week. 

Holy shit, it's next week. This time next week, I'll be at a hotel in Portland BY MYSELF and will be relaxing maybe making more bracelets or finishing my prom dress accessories, drinking wine. Alone.  We'll see if that happens.

Kind of can't imagine that. But that's my plan. 

Digits! Below!


exercise: 11/12 hours of 250 steps. Missed 6pm because I was so focused on bracelets!

blood glucose:

7:30am: 166
5pm: 127
10pm: 186


coffee, water
10:30am: a deviled egg (both sides, so 2 pieces)
12:30pm: pbj on 647 bread; metformin
1:45pm: bowl of greek yogurt w/ red raspberries, small bit of splenda
7pm: 2 small chorizo & cheese quesadillas with sour cream and salsa. Metformin+Jardiance
vodka tonics
8pm: cheez-it crackers, small bowl

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