Monday, August 07, 2023

The Hard Scramble and Pivot

My travel partners, Team Sara, have the Covid. They don't just have the Covid, they've had their asses handed to them. Sara has kept saying they were going to be fine! negative/not contagious in time to travel! I'm sure of that. Not gonna be contagious. For sure. 


Let's be realistic about Covid recovery. You're gonna be wiped the fuck out. Sure you're over it. But the honest truth is a three day rock show after 10 days of sicker than you have been in a long time is going to be unbearable. Could you get through 20 minutes of the Friday show with any sort of energy? I sure doubt I could. Holy hell. No. 

And yes, you had Covid before, but this time, it's really got you. You have to give yourself ample time to get better. You need rest, you need recovery, you need to be kind to yourself and not kill yourself just to go to a show. 

She called it this afternoon, thankfully. She let me know that they were pulling out. I know basically she'd be losing close to 2k between the tickets and the hotel. This sucks.

Jess and their friend agreed to take 2 of the 3 tickets and I'm taking their hotel. Jess and the friend will need a place to stay after all, and, I can stay with Linda and Ginger but I can also have Jess time too. We'll figure that all out. 

Once the reality of her decision set in, I knew I had to quickly figure out what my plan of action would be. Doug and I talked about it (and I tried to talk him into coming up with me just to come to Maine or whatever) we got it ironed out. 

The plan initially was: 
Team Sara to pick me up after work Wednesday afternoon. We'd drive to NY state/Bridgeport, somewhere near the Tappan Zee area like we did last year. Hotel. Resume in the morning and get to Portland Thursday afternoon. They were booked into a Home2Suites, and I didn't have a hotel because I thought Linda and Ginger would be up there Thursday. But no. They are coming Friday. 

Ope. So I grabbed a room at the same hotel where we were booked for Friday, because I'd be joining them anyway and it was just easy. Easy! I could concierge my bags or whatever, wait for them to arrive, and then we'd be cool and good to go to the show Friday night. Sara also said I could stay with them but Sean snores. But I could spend the day with them Thursday and pool with Henry, and just have the fun.

To be honest though. As much as I love them.

In my little heart of hearts I wanted a day/night alone. Truly alone. 

I haven't had more than a couple hours here and there. And I kind of just want to be alone to drink wine from a box, hang out in my jammy jams, make bracelets, drink wine from a box, fall into the swimming pool, come back upstairs, order delivery, make bracelets, drink wine from a box. Oh and finish up any prom planning costume things I need to do for my dress because I've neglected that element of things. damn. 

The rest of the trip was solid and none of this changes except for the fact Sara and them won't be with us. Friday night show, Saturday all day show, Sunday, oh... another all day show. Monday morning, Team Sara were to go on their way to head south. Linda and I are to take Ginger to the airport and head to C's cabin for relaxation night on Monday. Linda has to do payroll on Mondays so she needs to work but, aside from that, relaxation time. Then to mom's Tuesday. Stay at the hotel Tues-whenever we decide to head home. 

Instead. The new plan is: 
I'm flying to Linda on Wednesday evening. I'll stay at a hotel because she is not guest ready. She'll come get me Thursday, we go get Ginger from the airport, we drive to mom and stay at the hotel there on Thursday night. Quick visit with her, I'm sure she'll be happy to see Ginger. It's been a minute. Then Friday morning I want to get them out the door early, and get to Portland, so we can get our shit together for prom, and have everything all put together nicey nice and gorgeous and shit. 

After that, it's all smooth sailing. Jess will be with us and will have Molly or another friend come with. I'm super happy they are coming. It's been a while since Jess has wanted to come to a concert, and having my concert buddy with me again after a long hiatus will be so nice. 

For the on the way home thing, we're staying near mom Tues-Sun. We have banking and other things to do to help her. I'm sure we will be cleaning. I'm sure we will be exhausted. I booked the hotel even though one of us could in theory stay with her. But, the hotel is right there. And it has a pool. She doesn't. Well, she does but we're not residents so we are not allowed. 

My flight home is from Providence on Sunday. Flights were stupid crazy. Driving to NY with her to fly home here nothing was available that was affordable, and what was available was expensive and stupid. Fly from NY to Boston and wait 5 hours to fly to DC? no. 

So Providence had availability but not on Friday or Saturday. Sunday. That lengthens our trip but I'm sure we'll need the time with mom. 

It was a couple hours of logistics and mad dashes, and lots of texts and emails. But we nailed it down and it is still happening. 

Someone had this on their facebook today. I'm looking forward to seeing my people. And I do so miss them. I get to see Jess, and C and my sister and Ginger! I haven't seen Ginger since March. And so many others. So while I do not have the covid. I do have the I miss my homies bug. The only cure is being there.


exercise: 12/12 hours of 250 steps. 

blood glucose:

9am: 166
4:45pm: 144
9:15pm: 176


coffee, water
10:45am: cup of granola, generous cup of greek yogurt, 1 peach
11:30am: metformin
5pm: white wine
6:30pm: chicken breast marinaded in a tzatziki saucemayo/greek yogurt, olive oil, lemon, garlic, parsley, greek oregano, rosemary; cucumber, red onion, same sauce as above

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