When you don't have little kids, Christmas morning rings different.
I can go back through this blog to every December 22-26 and find all assortment of stories of staying up late, last minute shopping, and making Christmas Magic happen as late as 2am, with wine, cartoons, tape, paper, and cookies.
This morning the dog was the first one up, she wanted to get out of the bedroom at 5am and I said "wow, you do have the heart and soul of a toddler, don't you?" I convinced her to get back in bed and cuddle. Unlike Phineas, when she's up and goes outside, we're up for the day and she likes a solid hour of fetching, running, chasing, and chewing. Then she can go back to sleep and normal routine is I'm working and life is good but. Not this morning, kid.
I convinced her to get back in bed and cuddle, not wrestle. She likes to wrestle and is really too strong for me to allow that play.
She slept again until 8 and I woke up and had to pee. So. Once I'm up, we're up.
No children sitting on the couch waiting quietly for mom and dad, or tearing corners off wrapping paper to see what they got. Geoff even slept until 9ish, and I heard the shower instead of him coming straight up.
It is bright and sunny - the Southeast exposure of the house just flooded with sunlight. Feels so different here. Christmas feels different in some places. Like, I can imagine a house in the mountains of Colorado in all the snow, or a lanai in Florida, or the desert southwest in a cabin in the mountains above Tucson.
We drank coffee, Doug put on a Brian Setzer Orchestra holiday mix (3 hours of that and I don't need to hear it again until next year, I tell you what) and got the ham in the oven.
I cleaned the tables in the living room and found millions of beads around the side table and laughed at what a mess I made this year. I'd vacuumed but not like, under things. I had not moved the couch. Happiness is a table where you can put boxes of shit you've had on the top of the dining table for weeks to hide it all when company is coming over.
Ignore that chair with boxes on it.
Boxes were hidden shortly after this shot.
We tag teamed the scalloped potatoes and got them in the oven after the ham came out, and waited to glaze that with a homemade mix that Doug whipped up.
Doug's aunt called at 1 (when they were supposed to arrive) and said they were running late. Cool cool cool, I'm just now getting in the shower, so I approve of your tardiness. Thank you very much! I poured a glass of Vinho Verde, lit candles in the bathroom, and just went... "aaaahhhhhh."
The ham was glazed and in the oven when I got out, all the other food was all just about ready when they arrived. I took the carrots and tossed them in blackberry preserves and butter, and we loaded up the table while Toffee was introduced.
Aaaah. Dinner is served.
I had a lot more carbs than I should have, and I skipped dessert. Be proud of me. Neither Doug nor his Aunt made a jello salad and to be completely honest, I was a little relieved. Although the cherry one with the whipped cream layers that Doug has made in the past, well, I'd have that happily. Maybe he'll make that for me for New Years.
Doug's cousin didn't want to come but Doug had him rally. I kind of wish we'd just waved them off because he was coughing and sick - I kept me as far away from him as possible because I literally just got over a nasty 2 week ick that set my ass back for decorating and fun. And I don't want to postpone Cookie Decorating Day any longer.
As God is my witness, if I catch his plague, I'll drive to Virginia and punch him.
Dinner was great, everything came out perfect, the potatoes could have used more salt, but, all told with the salty ham it worked out alright. No overall complaints. This actually felt low-key and relaxed compared to other Christmas Dinners
They even left while it was still actually light out, instead of taking a tandem nap on my couch while I cleaned up. I sent them home with dessert and a 2 litre bottle of coke that we probably won't drink (well, Geoff might, but, we have another one). Whew.
And the good news is that Toffee was freaking delightful. She was so very polite, didn't beg at the table or get underfoot while we were cooking. She laid on the dining room floor and just watched us. She even got under the table and took a nap. She got a little too kissy kissy with them on the couch but when we told her to knock it off and get down she did, and was redirected with a toy.

Because the house was free of guests at a relatively early hour, everything was cleaned up and put away and my ass was on the couch watching football. Doug and Toff had a big snooze, and life was good.
Wherever you are, and I know some of you reading this are not having good days or good seasons, or any merry and bright feelings, or holiday joy, I at least hope you found one or two things to take away from today that were nice things. It doesn't have to be a gushingly beautiful thing. But just one or two small things. Share them in the comments if you want. I'd love to hear your story.
Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night.
Digits below the sleepy snorers.
exercise: 12/12 hours of 250 steps. With all the moving and doing, I'll count many "dedicated 10s" today. 7200+ steps today by bedtime.
blood glucose:
8am: 180
5pm: 219
10:45pm: 172
coffee, water
10am: oatmeal craisin cookie
12:30pm: Metformin
2pm: Ham dinner w/ glazed carrots, au gratin/scalloped potatoes, 2 rolls, beets, wine
4pm: 2 oatmeal craisin cookies
6:30pm: metformin+jardiance
9:30pm: protein shake (took my blood sugar at 9:30 and it was 280)