Monday, December 11, 2023

Well Baby Checkup

This'll be a double post day. Aren't you just so lucky. 

We took Toffee in for her first visit with our vet today. Hard to imagine this is Dog #3 for us since being here. Came with Brodie, got Phineas, and now Toffee.  I feel like dogs last a long time but these 5 years have had some shortened dog longeivity. Not true really, I mean Brodie was like 13 when we let her go, and Phineas was almost 13, but only ours for 2 years. 

Toffee is 18 months, so she should be with us for a good run. Long may she be. Long may we be.

The vets at this office rotate shifts, so the vet that saw us through saving Brodie's life that Thanksgiving wasn't in, and the doctor who saw us through Phineas' tenure with us is a Tuesday/Thursday doc. We met a new to us doctor working with the adorable vet tech who helped a lot with Phineas. We had a lovely visit. She was super sweet and showed off her excellent sitting skills and puppy-rugging much to everyone's joy. 

She weighs 60 pounds (her paperwork says 57) and the doc said she should weigh in the low 50s, so, she should get on a good frequent walking regimen and get weighed again in 6 months to see how she's doing. 

We're not giving her people food, and she eats 2 cups of kibble a day and the food bag says she can have up to 4. She gets lots of reward treats, so I'm happy just giving her a cup in the morning and a cup in the evening. She doesn't seem to complain. 

So far, aside from being MUCH stronger than I am, she's a pretty delightful friend, and a very healthy delightful friend.

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