Thursday, December 28, 2023

2000 by 2pm to 2000 by noon

(This was Wednesday's Post that I didn't get to publish) 

Over the past year I've increased my step count a little bit. I don't hit the "10k" that the fitbit has me aim at almost all the time (I did one day last week!) But at this time last year I think I was lucky if I hit 3000 steps a day. Then I said at one point, well, let's go for 5k per day. Most days I get it. Once in a while, I fall short. I'm even proud of myself when I hit 5k and miss 2 or 3 hours of the minimum 250 steps. 

My goal the past few months was to hit 2000 steps daily by 2pm. I think I'm going to switch that to 2k by noon. I've been doing pretty well at that the past couple days, except when I sleep in on Sundays and miss 2 hours of the goal time, but this is something we can accomplish. Watch this space. Oh, and, if I were to hit 1000 steps EACH HOUR, that would be 12,000 steps which exceeds the fitbit goals. so. Maybe someday!

Tonight was cookie night. I'll write it up as its own entry because there are a lot of pictures. We had a stinking blast. 

We didn't eat dinner, our ham and bean soup had done a pretty deep boil-down and needed to be revived, and then Doug felt sick so he went to bed while we decorated cookies (thankfully whatever befell him doesn't seem to have impacted Geoff or me). I had three glasses of wine on an empty stomach, and a lot of frosting finger licking and a few cookies, and that was not a good combo so I was in bed by 9pm after our guests left. 

No photo for this entry but I'll put all the pics in the next! 


exercise11/12 hours of 250 steps. Missed 7pm because of sitting and decorating cookies.  Lots of action. approx 5500+ steps by bedtime (which came early)

blood glucose:

8am: 230
5pm: 270
N/A for night time


coffee, water
11:30am: Metformin
1pm: Tuna Melt: 647 rye bread, tuna salad w/diced celery, sliced tomato, 2 slices of American cheese.
2pm: thumbprint cookie
-No dinner, lots of wine, in bed by 9

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