Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Christmas Continues

This is most likely going to be a very slow work week but so far I've had 2 "christmas miracles" with my products today and I couldn't be happier. I also am glad for the quiet because I have QA testing for a code push. My buddy usually does it but he's on FMLA until after the new year so I'm on my own. Must be done by tomorrow lunch time, got 5 of 7 tests done.

We had a busy fun morning playing and Toffee posed for an L. L. Bean style photo for me this morning before work, and in between zoomies.

I got some cookie baking mixed in this afternoon. The basic sugar cut out cookies for Sara, Hen, and me to decorate. 

And Doug mentioned thumbprint cookies, which I've never made before but I was willing to give it a shot. I wish I'd read the comments on the website for the recipe because a lot of people said it yielded about 12 cookies, not 24 and that was my experience. I couldn't figure out if I cut the cookie size down, maybe I'd get 5 more but for sure I was not getting 24. And the baking time was literally twice what they recommended. But. They were tasty even if imperfect. I had one and realized it was about the time I'd take my afternoon glucose reading so, oops. 

Doug was supposed to make ham and bean soup, so at 3:45 I asked him "what's up with the ham and bean soup there, buddy?" He oopsed that, and read the instructions to find it takes at least 2 hours for the beans themselves to boil, and another hour with the ham and whatnot. So. Tomorrow! Tonight it was chinese food. 

Not much else to report except between cookies and chinese food, my blood sugar is dumb. So I'm off to bed with a protein shake in my belly. Here are a couple pictures. Cut out stars with blue food coloring, and the thumbprint cookies before they went in the oven, too dark to take a picture of them after they came out so I'll make more tomorrow. 


exercise12/12 hours of 250 steps.  no dedicated 10 but lots of steps. approx 5800+ steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

8:30am: 172
no afternoon reading. Doug was napping and I was busy
10pm: 272

coffee, water
10:30am: garlic bagel w/plain cream cheese
11am: metformin
6pm: thumbprint cookie; metformin+jardiance
7pm: chinese food - general tso's chicken, fried rice, beef lo mein, fried dumplings, 1 egg roll; white wine
10pm: protein shake

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