Sunday, December 10, 2023

Lunch and Errands

It was absolutely pouring today, and I knew Doug wouldn't want to do anything. A colleague of mine was in town and asked if I was free for lunch today so yes. Yes. Yes, I am. 

We met at a brewery near me where I could take the metro in, and not have to worry about trying to park near where she's staying. We sat, sipped, chatted, and since we've never met in person before, it was really wonderful to have this time together. 

After lunch, I had to go to Target. We were out of basics and essentials like dog food and paper towel. I've been out of shampoo for a while, and had been rummaging through the closet to find hotel shampoos that we've stolen over time (I always steal a handful of hotel shampoo, especially when it is very good smelling). 

Target was a shit show, so crowded, such a mess, and I lost my list when I was walking around so I know I forgot a few things that would have been clutch to come home with. But we have dog food and we have shampoo. And that's pretty sweet. Tomorrow Toffee has her first vet appointment, I have no medical records yet from the humane society so I'll reach out to them (again) in the morning to see if we can't get them. And I do have to get a new set of headphones, since mine were a good meal. 

Here's a picture of me and my coworker. Such a nice time to spend together today. Here's a picture of us. 


exercise10/12 hours of 250 steps. Missed 9 am for sleeping in and 1pm due to being in discussion at lunch. no dedicated 10 but I did walk a shit ton in Target. 7000+ steps for the day

blood glucose:

10am: 194
6pm: 243
10:15pm: 251


coffee, water
11am: small ramekin of mac and cheese, metformin
1:30pm: beer; small caesar salad and broccoli & cheese soup in a breadbowl
6pm: metformin+jardiance
6:30: 2 cluck pucks w/melted american cheese; tater tots; vodka tonic

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