Saturday, June 01, 2024

Friday Vegas Bound

(updated w/food and digits) noon:
This morning, Doug was up at 6 or so. Our plan was to head to the lab for blood work first thing. FIRST! THING! At about 7:20 (the lab opens at 8) he started playing ball in the house with the dog. Just to wake me up. So I took the hint, got up, and we got ourselves out the door to the lab.  I always have to drink a ton of water before lab work to make sure my veins get tapped easily, so I had two pints of water and 3 cups of coffee and we were off. 

I went to the bathroom before we left, and when I got to the lab they handed me the pee cup. Oops. I ... am not going to be able to do that. Sorry. Next visit. Someone remind me. Don't pee before I leave. 

Back home, we packed. He was organized and ready, I was still futzing with laundry. We decided we'd both check our bags and bring one backpack. 

For weekend trips, I'm normally a Just A Backpack kind of gal. I've blown people's minds by going places with just a backpack for 3 days. It's especially easy in the summer months. a couple pairs of shorts, handful of T-shirts. Extra flippy floppies, undies, a book, the laptop, chargers for the phone and mac. Boom done all set. Let's go. I'm not here to dress fancy, I'm here to eat food, drink, hear music, rock out, hang with friends. 

Because we'll be putting Doug's laptop and book/s in my backpack, I decided to pack an actual bag. He has to pack a bag because he has a C-PAP and it takes up about 1/3 of his suitcase. 

Packing my rolly bag, I realized I had just so much space. So much extra space. So I started to fill it with stuff I don't need to bring. I almost packed beads for bracelets but who the hell am I kidding. 

I joked there was room for a 60lb Pibble in the bag. 

I worked a little bit this morning. One of my newer colleagues reported a known bug to the team as if it was a fresh bug so I was sure to swoop in and say "oh this is known." A developer said "do we have a ticket on this?" And I'm not going to log ALL THE WAY into the system to find it but yes, yes we do. WE HAVE A TICKET ON THIS from ... October 2023. Thankful for my buddy T who found it and shared it to the chat. Thankful he's on duty today. 

So now this little broken thing that has been waiting forever is being worked on. Thankfully. Yay! 

I'm checking my inbox repeatedly to see about the bloodwork results. I thought I was just getting the PT/INR test for the clotting disorder but it was the full panel. A1c and all that. I kind of feel like I wanted to wait until the end of the summer and keep on working on the diet and digits, the exercise and the everything else. But we'll get this touchpoint to see if any progress has been made. 

Alright - we're packing up to go. I'm going to miss my dog.

Saturday, 9:51pm PT, 12:51 ET
we did a lot; I'm tired. will update officially tomorrow. Here's a picture. Somewhere over Southwestern Colorado. 


exercise: 8/12 hours.  2 long walks, measured in the wrong time zone. Have to adjust my fitbit. 12,400+ steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

7:30am: 123
8:30pm (ET): 229
12:30pm (ET): 221

9:30am: pbj on 647 bread, 
10:30am: metformin 
1pm: some queso & chips, carnitas quesadilla 1/2 split with doug. 2 beers
9:30pm ET: 5 buffalo wings, 2 beers

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