Wednesday, November 09, 2022

Post Election Teeth Cleaning

Election night last night wasn't scary and nothing broke. In years past, we've had problems. A lot of long term people are on super high alert. I'm not required to be there in person, but I was on call and felt I should stay up, monitor all the comms channels, make sure I get every issue or question. 

In the end, it was just a couple inquiries about ways things were being reported, display issues, someone didn't know how the thing worked and when it was on their website, they couldn't really wrap their head around it. The users in the community were all helpful to each other. Everyone shared their work. I created a chef kiss emoji, just so I could approve of everything they were sharing. 

I had a dentist appointment today at 4:30 so I bailed early after working very late last night. I'm deliberately not working now, although I did just go through my emails, and noticed that our training person wrote some documentation that I want to look at but will do that in the morning.

I love getting my teeth cleaned. But now he wants to redo a couple fillings and I'm like ugh. I just want to get my teeth cleaned. Sigh. So I made an appointment for fillings in January and my next cleaning in May.

Anyway, while I was working post-election day stuff, my dog was snoring next to me. Sleeping with his eyes open. Weirdo. Digits below.


exercise: Dedicated 10+12. Walked to and from the dentist. love that he's so close! 

blood glucose:
8am: 192
5pm: 162
9:45pm: 182

coffee, water
11:30am: apple and peanut butter
12:00: metformin (set an alarm reminder. ha!)
1pm: one piece of 647 bread with Tuna Salad (mayo and celery)
6pm: 3 sausages in sauce and cheese
7:15pm: metformin+jardiance

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