Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Aerobic Workout

Doug took Toffee for a walk, and I cooked dinner. I'd like to walk with him on days that are cooler but he goes so far, it's like an hour, I can't keep up with him, and I get bored. That and who's gonna make the meal? 

I was moving all over the house, cranking music, swinging back through the kitchen to stir the ground beef. I thought I hit 25 minutes but the fitbit said 23. No worries... Better than yesterday when it didn't give me any credit for the walk I thought I took. 

I hustled harder to turn corners and convince it that yes indeed, I am "working out" or whatever. And it rewarded me. Not a "Walk" but an "Aerobic Workout." Alright then. 

Work was challenging but not as bad as yesterday. Tomorrow I have no big meetings, just my 1:1 with my manager, and our All Staff. Doug is supposed to go into the office tomorrow. He's dreading it, and Geoff is off tomorrow, having worked the weekend. I thought I might have the house to myself but. No. Such is life. 

He said he'll take Toffee for a walk. 

All told, got through the day without freaking out. Happy for that. Whew. Digits below. 



exercise: 11/12 hours.  missed 8pm because Doug and I were watching The Sandman. 23 minute indoor hustle which fitbit measured as "aerobic workout." Huh. 6k+ steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

9am: 155
5pm: 138
10pm: 193


12:30pm: giant bowl of plain greek yogurt w/a few red raspberries (not many left); metformin
6pm: nachos, ground beef Tostitos chips w/ melted cheddar, refried beans, avocado salsa, sour cream. 3 beers, 1 twix ice cream bar (sorry) 

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