Friday, July 19, 2024

Doug's Day Off

This morning, Geoff left for the gym at 8:30am. He texted me a picture of the dashboard lights being on in the Dodge. 

Check Engine. We know. We have an exhaust leak, and we go in and have it checked once in a while where we want to make sure it isn't something else, and the mechanic resets the light. Easy peasy. 

Geoff said no, look at the battery light. 

Oh. That. Huh. That's new.
"I'm headed back home, I'll skip the gym," he tells me.

So sure enough he comes home, tells Doug. Doug goes out to look and then the car won't start, and every single light on that dashboard is on. Even ones he's never once seen. 

Now, we had the alternator replaced on this car a couple years ago, so help me God if that's dead I'm mad. 

I called our mechanic, he's booked through next week but said to tow it or bring it or whatever we can do to get it up here for Monday. He'll assess as best he can, and let us know. 


Doug then tells me he is not in the mood to work today. This just kind of ruined it for him. 

He took the day off. 

Mostly sat here in the livingroom while I was working, which was slightly distracting. We had lunch, he tried to convince me around 1pm to go with him to take Toffee for a walk at Sligo Creek but 


I'm working. I said "If I tried to get you to walk away from your workday in the middle of the day to take what could probably be a two hour break, you'd freak out at me. You'd yell at me."

"You are right," he said. "But I figured you'd be into it." 

He's not wrong. But ... not today on short notice with my boss on vacation. 

He went with Toffee Solo. They had fun. And I had regrets. Life is short, take the dog for a walk at the creek, man. When did I become a loser like this. Gah. 

So I guess I'm taking the Mini Cooper tomorrow to Richmond. Thing about the Mini is, well, it's Mini. You can't fit a lot of stuff in, whereas the Avenger has a big assed back seat and trunk. I am going to propose to my cousin we rent a Uhaul van for Sunday when he needs to take stuff to the first storage area. 

The Mini also doesn't really have good AC. It kind of works? But ... not really super great. 

So I'll be Old School Christine, 1986 style with a car with no AC cruising down 95. 

I have not decided when I am leaving, I'll just get up and ... go eventually. 

Today mom called me at 7. I had several things I needed to finish doing for the day and was still working while dinner cooked. I put Geoff on duty and went outside.  

She was worried about the huge Crowdstrike outage and if it impacted my job today. No. It did not. Thankfully. And so we chatted until almost 8. I had some wine and really enjoyed the patio. The weather app said it was 83 but you could fool me. Felt like 75 with the nice soft breeze. I drank wine, ate dinner, should have put more protein in the meal but I didn't eat a whole ton of pasta. Just some. 

And I then chatted with Linda until my laptop battery died. 

All told, a good end to a busy day, I still have some things I need to do this weekend, so I'll see if I can cram them in, somewhere. Maybe tomorrow night.

More tomorrow from the Southlands. 


exercise: 12/12 hours. 20 minute indoor walk. 7k steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

8:30am: 165
5pm: 176
10:30pm: 176


10:45am: bowl of mac & cheese w/bacon; metformin
1:45pm: bowl of plain greek yogurt w/strawberries & a splash of splenda
6:30pm: bowl of cheese tortellini w/sauce; metformin+jardiance; red wine 

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