Sunday, July 14, 2024

Plants and Gym

I slept in this morning, and honestly some days the only reason I get out of bed is because I have to pee, that and it is time to do steps. 

Doug took the car to get vacuumed out, when we got the plants yesterday, one of them fell over and spilled all over the inside of the Mini and, well. It was a lot. While he was gone, I went outside and it was "not too blazing hot" to make me turn around and go back out. Plants needed rearranging. 

There were three huge containers with some tiny sad marigolds in them. I moved the marigolds into pots together, and I got a bunch of other things moved around. There was an aloe that broke off and I replanted it with hopes. Let's see if it takes.

Everything needed watered, and I took care of all that. Doug got home, got a shower and laid down to take a nap. I decided to go to the gym. After all, I'm already hot and sweaty. May as well go! 

On the way to the gym I had to stop and buy headphones again. Friday, Toffee was sleeping on one of the ear buds, and I pulled on it just thinking it would slip out from under her. But no. I pulled the damn thing apart. I hate having meetings without them, so, today. Had to go and get. Sticking with the basic ear buds with cords, I was in and out of Best Buy in no time. Stopped to buy wine and the employees (2 older black gentlemen) were talking about King Leopold II of Belgium, and what an absolute piece of shit he was. 

Wow. Not the usual chit chat that goes down at the cash register, but my interest was piqued, I tell ya. I commented on agreeing that he sucked, and they laughed. We talked about how people don't know anything about him and what he did in the Congo, and many other things, and I mentioned the Santayana quote about those who don't learn history are doomed to repeat it, something to that end. They both howled and said "oh my gosh Santayana! YAAAAAS!" 

One of them said "pull up a chair and let's open that wine and have discourse!" 

The other said "nah, we'll lose our jobs but this is the best day ever!" 

I hope next time I go back, to catch them discussing something else interesting and timely. 

3pm, no one is at the gym, and I had the whole place to myself. 

No one on the treadmills, and more importantly, no one in the circuit room. I whipped out my headphones, and tuned into a podcast (not about history but Lore Legends, about creepy worm cryptids). I walked about a half hour on the treadmill, and headed over to the empty circuit room where I did all but the 2 machines in the circuit room that I skipped the other day - the one that was broken and the one that hurts my knees. At this location, it was the Talking Heads, and a couple songs came through that I'd forgotten how much I love.  Like this one (go watch it. So good). 

After the gym, to the market. I got a bunch of stuff for dinner for the next couple days, but I think I missed one or two ingredients for meals. Like, Chicken Parm without bread crumbs, well. That's lame.

When I got home, Doug was outside on the patio, so I joined him for a while. I thought about grilling - it actually had cooled down to 90 (ha! COOLED DOWN!) but he told me he wanted tuna casserole. So I made that. Lots of carbs though. 

Alright. Bed time. I'm wiped out and sore. Good weekend. Highs and Lows. Digits below.


exercise: 11/12 hours. missed 7pm, wasn't paying attention to the time; 30 min on the treadmill and full circuit room except 2 machines. 10k+steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

9:45am: 165
5pm: 134
10:30pm: 185


noon: metformin
4:30pm: beer after gym; chocolate chip cookie
6pm: 2 bowls of tuna casserole w/ peas
7:30pm: metformin+jardiance

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