Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Some Outside Time

Today's temperature got way high up in the 90s, but dropped a bit by 5pm, so I went out to grill. Put some bratwurst out there, some bug spray on me, poured a glass of wine and relaxed, and luckily got through the grilling process right before the sky opened up. 

I was happy to get through that. It sucks to be halfway through cooking and the rain starts. 

I had a busy day and Doug started watching RNC coverage so I went to the gym. I managed to force myself to get through 30 minutes and over a mile on the treadmill. I went into the circuit room and did 3 machines while a woman was just sitting on one of the machines playing with her phone. This makes me literally insane. Get off the machine or use it. 

So I asked her if she was working out and taking a break "or what." 

"Oh I am just resting."

"Okay, I love a good rest too but this room is meant for a 30 minute run through of all the machines, and I'd like to use that machine." 

She got up and left. Looks like her boyfriend or significant other was working out in the big room so she went to hang out over by him. There were two other people in the circuit area who gave me the "thank you" look. We all happily got through our workout. 

A group of girls came in and took over two of the machines to work out on, Together. I mean. Not what the circuit room is for but at least they are using the machines. 

I swear they need huge assed signs in there or someone monitoring the area to make sure it gets used right. 

My future job. 


Got home and Doug had turned off the RNC and was watching an old Coen Brothers movie that he said he's never watched start to finish. This surprised me. I'm a big fan of the Coen Brothers' films, so I was happy to see this on the TV. 

I did some work, futzed around with games on my phone. And now I'm super ready for bed. 

Digits below some pictures! First, brats on grill. Second, the corner flowers, an area that is growing. And finally, the marigolds I inherited from my co-worker. Hoping they get some flowers, and survive the replant. 


exercise: 12/12 hours. 30 min treadmill for 1.15 miles, some circuit room machines, but not all; 8700+ steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

8:45am: 135
4:30pm: 192
11pm: 137


10:45am: bowl of mac & cheese w/hamburger
11:15pm: metformin
2pm: apple and peanut butter
3:30pm: candied nuts 
5:45pm: 2 bratwursts, macaroni salad, potato salad
white wine

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