Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Massage and Meg

Two big things for today. 

I recently made an appointment to see a massage therapist after a couple weeks of consistently stretching and doing stuff to help my plantar fasciitis. The pain is much better than say, when we were in Vegas and I couldn't get up out of bed and step on my left foot at all, but it still is not right. I've been stretching every day, and it was time. 

I don't have plantar fasciitis. According to the massage therapist.

He said I just have a super knotted muscle, in my heel, and he worked it, it's MUCH better (and he also worked my right foot and leg, so "it won't be jealous." I am making a followup appointment to have him recheck things to see if they are better, and have him do my neck and back. 

Worth every penny.

This afternoon, our neighbors came over with their 3 month old Pibble Pubby, Meg. Oh my gosh. We died. We died 100 times over. Toffee tackled her and Meg PLAYED DEAD. "If I don't move, she won't know I'm here. And maybe she'll go away. And I can live. 

They had a blast together running around the yard. Toffee was a little rough and big, but Meg also put her entire face into Toffee's mouth AND stood on her head AND cleaned her teeth. 

R and J had to head home because we were about to get pounded by a thunderstorm (and we hadn't had dinner yet) and they sent me a picture of Meg conked out on the couch within minutes of getting home. 

All told, this was a really fun and good day. Here are some pictures. Digits below. 


exercise: 12/12 hours.  No dedicated 10 but a lot of walking around downtown and running around the yard with the dogs.  6400+steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

9am: 168
6pm: 173
10pm: 163


11:30am: Metformin, bowl of mac & cheese w/bacon, apple w/peanut butter
6:30pm: metformin+jardiance
8pm: pork loin and pierogis. 
9pm: piece of weird dessert roll thing I got for doug at a korean bakery
hard seltzers

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