Sunday, July 07, 2024

So Happily Home

We left Doug's mom's at a little before noon. We spent the morning sitting on the patio on the furniture that Doug saved from a horrible wasps nest. I was going to post the photo but it freaks me out looking at it, so I don't want to freak out anyone else who may be visiting. The coffee was flowing, she was super duper chatty, and bubbly. Almost exhausting that early in the morning, to be honest.

At about 11 or so, I was quickly finishing yesterday's blog entry that I didn't publish last night, and I was sitting at the dining table. I didn't have a light on, it was not necessary. She came in and told me to turn on a light. "I'm okay, I can see the computer screen just fine, it is light enough." She turned the light on.  "It's just awful dark in here."

No. It isn't. But. Okay. Whatever. Writing, finishing, and she comes over and asks if I want something to eat because Doug and I have not eaten yet. 

"No, I don't eat before I travel, it does horrible and wild things to my belly. I prefer to eat later."

"But you have diabetes, and you can't just not eat," she lectures.

"Yeah, I can, I do it all the time, and it is especially important not to eat right before I get in a car, and we're leaving really soon. I'm fine. We'll stop later on and get lunch."

"Well, have some orange juice. You should have some orange juice because your blood sugar can drop to dangerously low levels, and you should have that."



I had taken my blood sugar at about 8:45, it was 165. That's plenty high, and it isn't going to plummet. "I'm all set, I'm not going to have my blood sugar drop."

Lord, how I wish it would drop sometimes, right? y'all read the digits. You know where my number are. I get mad if the reading is over 180. I'm pleased as hell if it is in the 130s. If ever it would be below 100, I may have to call my doctor. Am I dying over here? 

I kind of know my body and what is good for me. And orange juice may actually knock me out by shooting my blood sugar over 300. 

I love it. I would love some orange juice, but no. I haven't had it in .... like a year. Just. let me take care of myself the way I've been taking care of myself. Thanks. 

Continues to lecture me. I published the post, closed the laptop and put it in my bag. I showed her my water bottle, "Actually this is far more important for me to drink, I drink a lot of water and stay hydrated. I'm fine. You have to trust me. I'm fine." I didn't yell. I wanted to. I wanted to just snap. But I just let her talk and talk. 

She finally gave up, and I looked at Doug and he started loading the car. 

We were on the road and everything was going great until the West Virginia state line, some road construction on a bridge crawled us to a stop. We got back up and running again, and several times in Maryland (Cumberland, you jerk) we ran into traffic again. We finally stopped in Hancock to eat. In 2022 we stopped at a place called Buddylou's (this entry has photos, the other I linked to only has one) and we figured with traffic as heavy as it was, an hour for a meal would be better than sitting on 68. 

We had a great meal, did some steps but not an official nice walk, even though the C&O canal is right there and we could have pounded out some minutes. We stopped at another place in Hancock called the Blue Goose Market. You shouldn't drive past there without stopping for a little something. Doug was in the mood for maybe a Coconut Creme Pie or something, I was just there to look at the gifty doo dads and sniff things. 

No Coconut Creme, but they had Key Lime, and he likes that a lot so. It came home with us. We also got peanut brittle, which is my kryptonite, and some dried kiwi and strawberries for Geoff. A lot of people were in the market because it is easy off-easy on access from the highway, and a good break was needed by many motorists. 

True to form, shortly after eating lunch there I am needing to use the bathroom. I held it. Tummy rumbles and all. We got to Frederick County and the Waze took us off the highway and onto Rte 40, so I told Doug that if he sees a decent place to stop, I needed to stop. 

He lew right past a Sheetz and a McDonalds, so I reminded him of what I said a half hour earlier. "Oh yeah, sorry." Sometimes doesn't listen to me at all. And there I am ready to poop my pants. We got to the outskirts of Frederick itself and he pulled into a McDonalds. I used the bathroom, and bought him a large unsweetened iced tea. 

Am I the only one who feels guilty about using a restaurant bathroom if I don't actually buy something there? 

Anyway, got back in the car and we were home in another hour. 

While we were getting out of the car, our new neighbors came walking past with their Pittie Puppy. I was that guy. I ran over and said "OH HELLO I NEED TO TALK TO YOU ABOUT YOUR PUPPY!" and they saw Doug, they'd met him previously and ... well. I had puppy snuggles from a 3 month old baby named Meg. They said they'd walked by the other day and Toffee was out in the yard, and they said 'we really should try and connect with them for a playdate.'

So. We exchanged phone numbers, and yes. We will have puppy time. Hopefully this week. If it isn't too brutally hot. 

Geoff was happy to see us. He did a good job with Toffee. She was in the kennel on Saturday while he worked and she pooped in there, so he took the kennel out, sprayed it with the hose, washed the dog bed, etc. She did not poop in there today. The house smells funny even though he did clean everything up, but I am smell sensitive sometimes, and. Yeah. 

I took tomorrow off, because I'm smart, and I knew there was no way I could go from 3 solid days with mom straight back to work. I have a little list of things to do. I want to clean the bathroom. Make candied nuts. Take myself to the gym. It's supposed to be 97 degrees tomorrow and Tuesday so outdoor activities may not be the best idea. 

Oh, Geoff didn't water the plants daily. He watered them once since we left. So the impatiens are fried, and a few other plants are not faring well. A couple thrived in not being watered. I may need some replacement plants so I'll evaluate things tomorrow and decide. 

Here are some pictures. First, I forgot to share the picture of the plants I repotted that resulted in me wanting to use a trowel in inappropriate ways. Then, a classic water fountain in Elwood City that I for some reason didn't test out. And finally, my dog, glued to me because she missed me. And I missed her. How I lived for so long without her is beyond me. So happy to be back here with this bean. 

Digits below.

Sunday digits

exercise: 10/12 hours. Missed noon and 5pm being in the car. no good timed walk. 5k steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

8:45am: 165
n/a afternoon reading
10:15pm: 156


11am: metformin
2:30pm: large spinach strawberry salad w/chicken, candied walnuts, bacon, hard boiled egg, red onion, cherry tomatoes, some sort of vinaigrette dressing
on the road: a lot of peanut brittle. A. Lot.
7pm: metformin+jardiance
8pm: small slice of Key Lime Pie

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