Monday, July 01, 2024


On Saturday, we had some candied cashew nuts while hanging at the brewery. They were so good. I'm glad it was a small container, because honestly I could have eaten about a pound of them. And then my stomach would kill me, and I'd die. But I'd die shaking my fist at the sky saying "those cashews .... were ....... worth it!" 

Semi-obsessing over the thought of them, I thought I'd look up a candied cashew recipe. On accident recently, Doug got a big plastic container of unsalted cashews. Now. they're okay for a snack but when you want a little somethin' somethin' salty, these will not do the trick. So they've been languishing, unappreciated, in our cabinet. Until today.

I got a recipe off the internets

  • Mix together 1/4 cup of brown sugar, 1/4 cup of of white sugar, a bunch of cinnamon, and a teaspoon of salt. We use coarse ground kosher salt so the granules are big and beautiful
  • In another bowl, froth together an egg white and a teaspoon of water
  • add some vanilla, mix that in and keep it frothy
  • dump it over 4 cups of unsalted cashews (or other nuts) to moisten them all up
  • Mix the cashews into the sugar mixture and coat well
  • Preheat oven at 250. Toss them into the oven for 20 min. Take them out, bake for 30 more
  • Let the cashews cool, break up stuck-together bits. Enjoy!

The one bummer thing is I'm out of vanilla, so, they won't be perfect. But they'll be tasty. I want to do it more with say some chili powder and spicy flavors. I may be getting myself into trouble. Hahahaha. ha. Like this one I found is different than the toast in the oven kind. Buttered Toffee Candied Nuts 

My house smells so good. Even hours after making the nuts. 

I wanted to bake cookies for Geoff but, out of vanilla and only a tiny bit of brown sugar. I'll have him stop on the way home from the gym to pick up what's needed and make some condolence cookies for him, as he'll be staying here, not coming with us to Pittsburgh. 

Digits below.


exercise: 12/12 hours. No walk today. Worked late, didn't feel like going out. Should have. 5k by bedtime

blood glucose:

8:30am: 152
5pm: 117
9:30pm: 156


11:30am: English muffin w/pb; metformin
1pm: scoop of potato salad, just to taste. Heavy on the bacon this round. mmmm
2pm: slices of turkey (not enough for a good sammitch)
5pm: handful of candied cashews
6:30pm: Potato salad & bbq pork from aldi. no roll. More candied cashews. Metformin+jardiance

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