Thursday, July 18, 2024

The Salad Day

Last week when we were driving home from Pittsburgh, we stopped for lunch and I got a spinach strawberry salad w/grilled chicken. 

I've been thinking about it ever since. 

Today I ... built the salad. Not exactly like theirs, I had no shredded cheddar, and didn't want a hard boiled egg (didn't want the hassle of it) and didn't have an avocado to slice up either. 

So the spinach, strawberries, goat cheese, cucumber, cherry tomatoes all got mixed up, topped with bacon and some sort of salad dressing from Aldi that wasn't raspberry vinaigrette (wish it was) and it was pretty good. 

I ate half the bowl, leaving the other half for Doug. But he didn't want it. 

Now. I knew that's not gonna keep. Not gonna last and be good tomorrow. 

So I ate the rest of it. 

And I became a complete oompa loompa full of spinach salad rolling around the house. Good grief, that was a lot of salad. And I may never need to eat again. But no, that's not true. I'll need to eat. Someday. Tonight.

Busy work day, had a wonderful time outside watering the plants and walking around the yard. Cool enough (87 degrees!) that Doug took the dog for a walk, and I opted to walk in the house instead of go up to the gym tonight. Gave me time to make dinner instead of leaving it to others. 

I took a cool picture last night before going to bed. We have a wacky wild vine growing all over the front of the house, and my neighbor's porch light was playing fun with the shadow and the condensation on the glass from the humidity.


exercise: 12/12 hours. 23 minutes indoor walk; 7300+steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

8:45am: 133
5pm: 146
11pm: 142


9am: slice of danish
noon: BIG salad. Spinach, goat cheese, strawberries, bacon, cucumber, the last of the candied nuts, some kind of a vinaigrette found in the fridge; metformin 
6pm: 2 small cheeseburgers, no buns
a lot of oreos
red wine

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