Monday, July 08, 2024

Making the most of the day off

Today I was so joyful about taking the day off of work. I'm learning this lesson that I really have to take a day after getting home and not just jumping back into the swing of things. I slept in, woke up quite organically without an alarm after a wild dream. The dog was all cozy beside me, curled up and comfy. Doug had gotten up and fed her, and went to work downstairs, and she knows where the fun is when I'm sleeping in. 

Toffee and I got up, got coffee, got comfy on the couch. I loaded the dishwasher and tidied up a bit. I offered Geoff a ride to work since it was already 95+ and so humid. It also meant I'd leave the house and go to the gym if I got up and got out the door. He took me up on the offer, and I went to the gym. If he had said no, I would have just cuddled with the cuddlebeast until my phone battery died.

Did a huge 30+ minute walk on the treadmill listening to The Band. Quite a good pace on so many of the songs, and it put a smile on my face. I went to the Lidl next to the gym, did some shopping, stocked up on dinner things while listening to Phish and dancing in the aisle singing out loud to Waste, Heavy Things, and Farmhouse. 

More on Phish later.

When I got home, Doug was napping so I put everything away. I cuddled the dog for about a half hour until it was time to do the 4pm steps and take a shower. Geoff texted me to ask for a ride home, so I was prepared while Doug was asleep. 

We needed to put air in the front tire of the mini, so I took Geoff with me and made sure he knew how to do it. He had asked me about it, thinking that cars are different. But no, Tires are all the same, and he'd done this a million times with the other car and he nailed it. 

We got home and started dinner. Ate. I chatted with Linda for a huge long time, Doug is watching some British Crime/Detective thing and I'm ready for bed. 

The things I didn't get to were repotting an Aloe and making the candied nuts I wanted to make. But I'm happy I got out to the gym and did the other things. But that's alright. Many things got done. 

Tomorrow I'm going to the office. As many know, my office hosts concerts. Tomorrow is Phish. When they announced this a month or so ago, my Guster friend messaged me to ask if he could come. Initially we were told no guests but they've changed their minds and I can bring him now. He actually took the day off of work even though I told him I couldn't bring anyone, just in case plans changed. How's that for awesome? 

So he's coming around 11, we'll see the performance, he'll cry. It'll be great. I'm so looking forward to it.

In the meantime... Here's a picture of Toffee holding me hostage today. Digits below. 


exercise: 12/12 hours. 33 min at the gym w/1+ mile on the treadmill. Did almost the entire circuit room, skipping the one machine that hurts my knees really badly. 9600+steps by bedtime (too late to get to 10k!)

blood glucose:

9:30am: 165
5pm: 151
10:30pm: 129


11am: metformin; several slices of roast beef
5pm: handful of trail mix
6pm: bowl of pasta w/meat sauce; metformin+jardiance 
white wine

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