Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Baby's First Phish Show

Traffic always stinks going into DC so I left at 7:30am and got to the office in about an hour. I got a little work done, we had a team meeting. My boss and coworker were both in the office so it was nice to see them and chat in person. 

My buddy M showed up at about 11:30 so we got him checked in as my guest and had some lunch and caught up. We had to wait on line for an hour but got ourselves in and lined up in a good spot to watch the show! 

M has seen Phish ... many many times. But this was my first. When I told him he could come with me he just about died because seeing Phish in my office was a dream come true for him. Happy to facilitate that for him. And happy to see them for the first time with him by my side. 

When we walked in, he saw little trampolines behind the desk and gasped because he knew what song they'd be playing with those. 

It was super amazing. For all the years I have enjoyed listening to them as a casual fan, seeing them in person was great. The vibe was fantastic, Trey and Mike are a machine together. Just really cannot believe this happened today. 

Worth the schlep into the office. 

Now to get Guster in there. Someday. 

Photos below: Mike Gordon and me, I liked that we had on the same color shirt. M wanted a picture of me with the band. Closest we could get - Trey and Mike grooving through the audience at the end of You Enjoy Myself. Love the smile on Trey's face. And below - trampolines during the same song. And a shot of Trey and Mike during their introduction, more of Trey's smile. Digits below.


exercise: 12/12 hours.  no dedicated 10 or other exercise. 7k steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

7am: 171
5pm: 181
10:15pm: 121


11:30am: chicken in lemon cream sauce, wheat rotini, green beans
3pm: Metformin (forgot to take with lunch) 
6pm: nachos with ground beef, cheese, avocado, sour cream; white wine
8:30pm: metformin+jardiance (wanted to space it out further from the 3pm dose) 

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