Friday, July 12, 2024

To the gym

This afternoon things were incredibly slow at work. I was going to bail around 4 and head to the gym, then get home to make dinner. Then I got a ticket from a client reporting something was weird and slow with one of our products. I knew it was a hardware/server problem, so I reached out to the product team and the sysadmin. 

Sure enough, I was right. I decided to hang out and stay here, and monitor the situation, answer questions from him and the product team. It wasn't fixed by 7pm, after dinner, so that's when I went to the gym. 

I normally wouldn't go that late but I was only at about 3k steps or so with doing the usual 250 steps per hour. Usually I'm pushing 4-5k by dinner but. It was a lot of sit and work today, so I figured it couldn't hurt to just go. Go and do 20 min. on the treadmill. Doug wasn't taking the dog for a walk because of the rain, and I didn't want to walk around the house with him sitting in the living room trying to watch TV. 

Off I went.

Rather crowded at 7:30pm. On a Friday night of all things. Huh. I didn't have my headphones because I accidentally broke them yesterday. I had to rely on the interior music system at PF. You can use an app to pick songs which is kind of cool. Unfortunately, there is no Guster on the app though. Sadly. Lots of music that I don't like or listen to (hence the headphones being important) but tonight someone was up in it cranking up the 80s and 90s rock. I would wait to see, actually hear, what was coming on next and say "awwww yisss" to Foo Fighters or Red Hot Chili Peppers. Letters to Cleo. The Strokes. I threw on some U2 and Beastie Boys and The Killers. Managed to keep me on the treadmill even though I get bored as fuck after 10 minutes. 

Got to a mile, but stopped shy of a half hour. 

I went to the circuit room and was slightly irritated at people just sitting on the machines fucking around with their phones. 

Dudes in there doing reps, but taking huge long breaks between goes. 

That is not what this room is for. 

Get on a machine, if you want to do 2x, okay. but move to the next one, MOVE. that's the CIRCUIT, assmucher. Gah, if you want to sit around and take your time, go into the big room with all the damn machines. The circuit room is to do a 30 min. (or slightly more, if you are doubling) workout and move along. 

I was irritated but got to all but three machines, just not in order the way I like to do it. The way it is meant to be!  I don't do one leg lift thing because it hurts my knees so bad. Another arm machine was broken. And another had a couple who were switching back and forth together and they were having fun. So rather than wait, I went. A solid hour there.  

On my way out, Duran Duran was cranking out and I had to laugh. Thank goodness for whoever was just having the best time picking songs. Thank you, spirit DJ.

One of my coworkers is moving this week, and she has a patio of pots and plants she wants to let go. We're going to look and see if there is anything we can help her out with by bringing home. And maybe we'll hit a DC brewery. Hoping the weather clears up for us. Today was much cooler but humid and it ended up pouring all afternoon. 

Digits below.


exercise: 12/12 hours. Went to the gym, 1 mile on the treadmill, approx 26 min. 7300+steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

8:45am: 168
5pm: 135
10pm: 126


coffee/water/iced tea
9:45am: started in on the candied nuts
noon: large bowl of chicken salad w/red grapes and walnuts; metformin
6pm: piece of chicken parm w/sauce
white wine
9pm: small ramekin of candied nuts

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