Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Oh Deer

So our car is all set. Alternator (note we ha it replaced in 2022 in Pennsylvania). Our mechanic said there was an electrical problem about 12 volts vs 14 volts and Doug understood it but I didn't. Luckily it didn't murder our battery, so that didn't need to be replaced as well. 

Doug and Toffee walked to pick it up. It is a 2 mile walk, perfect for him and for her. I'd get halfway there and call an Uber. 

Because he'd have the dog with him and all, I couldn't expect him to go into the market or anything. So we decided I'd order delivery for when he got back. I was doing my steps in the house, trying to get the heart rate up above 120 so the fitbit believes me that I'm exercising, knowing I had more than the regular amout of time to do my walk. I was in the bedroom, and I heard a pounding on the door. I opened the front door thinking it was the delivery but it was way too early. Nope, no one there. The pounding was coming from the back.

It was my weird neighbor who lives behind us, and she was in a rather excitable state. "There are deer! There are DEER IN YOUR YARD!" She started to go down the stairs and was gesturing to the side of the house.

"Cool," I said and stepped out on to the back porch to peek. "Where?" She gestured around the side harder. I told her I'd go out front, and take a look to the south. I grabbed my phone off the charger and went to see. 

Sure enough. 

The adult/female most likely the mama was on our side of the fence and three babies were in the other neighbor's yard. She was pacing back and forth. The fawns were unbothered. 

Mom caught sight of me and started to panic so I didn't walk any closer or anything, got a shot of her and then she jumped over the fence, and I didn't get her fast enough so picture 2 is of her landing. My neighbor on that side doesn't have a gate across his driveway, so they walked out to the street and cautiously walked south. 

I was terribly worried they'd head over to the major road, so I hope they changed direction and went to the school and the woods in back. 

Doug said it is really weird to have 3 fawns with one doe. But I have proof of life here. 

Work was again totally crazy. I have to get up early tomorrow for me and T to proofread email to go out to clients, and determine who the recipients should be, and get it out before I lose T until next Tuesday. 

My neighbors with the pibble puppy were going to come over but Doug wasn't going to be back in time so I rescheduled for Thursday. I already can't wait. 

We had no good food in the house so I ordered chinese food for us, which of course makes my blood sugar high because it is full of corn starch and rice, But it was a new place and rather delicious, so I don't feel too guilty over it. Yum. 

Digits below. 


exercise: 12/12 hours. indoor walk for 23 min. 7k steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

8:30am: 167
4:15pm: 174
9pm: 215


11:30am: metformin; turkey+american grilled cheese sandwich
4pm: a couple of mixed nuts
6pm: metformin+jardiance; chinese food. A lot of candied nuts. 

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