Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Possibility of Richmond

I've been chatting with my cousin in Richmond. He has to move out of his place, and he's putting things in storage at a college friend's house. 

He said he's going to have to live out of his car until probably October, which sounds wild to me. He's sad, depressed, has to part with a lot of things, blames just about everything on his brother. But not everything is his brother's fault. He says it is. And I don't like knowing both sides of their situation and feeling that he really should just let it go and do better. He's capable of so much more.  The universe, or his brother, are not conspiring against him. 

It is a little exhausting. And also disheartening that someone in my family is about to go into a homeless state.

I'm not in a position to "loan" first/last month's rent to him to get a place (loan in quotes because I'm not sure when I'd see that again). 

But I maybe am in a position to help him put stuff in storage. And box things up. And be there in some kind of way.

Of course, my availability doesn't match his needs necessarily. Of course. 

He's "not ready" to move things this weekend, but at least maybe (he suggested) I can come down on Saturday and help him box things up and stage things for goings to the different places. He may be able to move some things on Sunday if things are ready on Saturday. 

I'm at least able to do that. After this weekend, my availability drops right off. The weekend of the 27th we may go back up to Doug's mom's for the family reunion. The week after that I'm free. And then ... Maine. OTO. NH. Carrie. Jess. Mom. Probably a full week and a half, including the two weekends, not accessible at all for shenanigans. I would not be free again until the Third weekend in August.

At least the temperature next Saturday and Sunday are forecasted to be 15 degrees cooler than now. It's stupid hot right now, and the last thing I want to do is schlep someone's stuff anywhere, I wouldn't even move my own stuff anywhere. No July and August moves in my life, ever again. 

Work was busy but also I had some downtime and goofed off a bit. Geoff got a ride to work from Doug and I picked him up. It being 102 degrees and ... well, walking is dumb in that kind of heat so we didn't let him. We got home and I felt uninspired for dinner - so Doug heated up some white rice from the freezer, and I cooked some of this chicken concoction I got at Lidl, which was not half bad. Coulda been spicier, and we could have made a veggie to go with it, but all told, alright. 

After dinner tonight, I went to the gym. Doug had started watching a movie that I just didn't care to watch, and rather than sit here and do nothing and being annoyed, I went to the gym. 

It was mobbed. 

The circuit room was bananas. I thought about just bopping around waiting and did two open machines, but no one was getting off the equipment so I went to the treadmill farm, found one open. Linda and I were on the phone and she kept chatting with me while I walked. She got me to 20 min, and then I looked to see how far I was from a mile and I stuck with it. The treadmill said I did 26 minutes and a mile but the fitbit measured me walking around looking for the circuit room and in and out of the parking lot, I guess, for a full hour. 

When I got home, I proofread Linda's Moth submission, she needs to get it to Guster by tomorrow. And I booked hotel and flights for the end of the August trip. I have to check in with Sara to see about booking a hotel for the first night of the trip on the way up to Maine for the halfway point of things, but all told, that trip is going to be buttoned up very soon. 

Really looking forward to it. 

I also started shopping for some Janis Joplin gear/clothing/do-dads so I can maybe get a spot doing karaoke with Guster. I think we could crush Me & Bobby McGee but I have to send an audition reel. Gotta record that when ... well, when I'm alone. Which is never?

Anyway. I thought I had taken pictures today but I guess not. So nothing to illuminate this text. Just. Digits.  


exercise: 12/12 hours. 30 min on the treadmill, about 1 mile. 2 circuit machines. 7700+ by bedtime

blood glucose:

8:45am: 165
4:45pm: 134
10:15pm: 157


10:45am: ramekin of candied nuts; metformin
12:15: bowl of chicken salad w/red grapes and walnuts
6pm: some sort of curry coconut chicken stuff over some white rice
7pm: metformin+jardiance; white wine
10:30pm: ramekin of candied nuts

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