Thursday, July 25, 2024

Puppy Play Date

At work today, It was absolute chaos. Just like the Troy Timeline in "Community." It's me. I'm Troy. 

Watch that video clip. That was me, literally me... until about 2pm. I got a grip. Got ahold of myself. Had a good talk with my work wife. Had another talk with a coworker who is experiencing a lot of the same. She said to me "Did you eat today? Have you had water?" 

And this is why I love my people. Sometimes when it is absolutely insane, when Pierce is stabbed and on the floor, when there is fire everywhere, and all you did was go down to get the pizza and Joel is slapping the fire with his coat. Yeah. You need people who love you and get you. I have that. 

We had to go pick the car up around 4pm, so I drove Doug up to pick her up, and I went to the market. I got home and he grilled bratwurst for dinner, before our neighbors came over with the puppy. 

Initially, they were supposed to come over on Tuesday but I had to reschedule them to tonight because ... well, chaos all week. I thought about texting them to say "everything sucks, don't come over" but ... I didn't and I'm so happy that I didn't. 

This was just what I needed. 85 degrees with a light breeze, fellowship and laughter, and their puppy (Meg) and Toffee just played together SO HARD and it was perfect and amazing. 

We were talking about toys and destruction. Doug went in and got the ropes and the torn up Kong Fox, and it was the absolute right thing. They just bought the same fox for Meg and they died laughing when they saw the absolute mess Toffee had made of hers. I described it as "there's a rope inside, and she got it torn apart and the rope is like .... intestines." And it is. No exaggeration.

Toffee kept bringing Meg things to encourage her to tug of war, and finally the wee pupper caught on. 

We had a hell of a good time. I was so impressed with miss Toffee. Honestly. What a sweetie she is, and my neighbors were also completely in love.

I really like these folks up the street. And their puppy. This was just what I needed, absolute chaos into a different kind of absolute chaos. And my heart was happy. 

After our neighbors left, and Toffee sat at the gate looking up the street sadly, I was going to connect with Linda but she was busy, and my friend Amy called me from Arizona. This was a delightful surprise. We caught up on life, kids, home, work, travel plans, everything. 

Chaos was wonderfully tampered by joy all night long.

Look at these pictures. Digits below. 


exercise: 12/12 hours. No measured exercise but I did a solid walk at Target! 7k steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

8:45am: 171
4:30pm: 156
10pm: 140


noon: metformin; grilled turkey and american cheese on 647 multigrain
1pm: the last of the candied nuts
6pm: 2 bratwursts, no rolls. Metformin+jardiance; handful of potato chips
.... not sure what time. Little baked good things from Jane. Wine + Ginger ale.
10pm: 2 more baked good things

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