Wednesday, July 24, 2024

click click click click

Our car is experiencing additional unexpected technical difficulties, we had a bit of a dramatic time with Geoff about it. So the car is back at the garage and hopefully they'll be able to button it up and make it so it won't happen again. Hoping all the solutions are in place for Doug to leave on Friday to head to mom's. 

Work was just straight up bananas. I was supposed to do something for a client weeks ago, back in June, and I completely forgot. I pulled it together in 5 minutes before a 3pm meeting they asked for. 

And they were impressed. 

I mean, sometimes in the midst of absolute chaos I can pull something out of thin air and win? 

No picture today. too busy. Tomorrow I'm very much looking forward to the puppy playdate and will make up for photos so hard. 


exercise: 12/12 hours. 17 minute indoor walk between meetings; 6300+ steps

blood glucose:

8am: 187
4pm: 142
10pm: 156


through the morning, handfuls of candied nuts
noon: metformin can of tuna fish w/ mayo
4:30pm: some "protein trail mix" found in the pantry, mostly chickpeas and pepitas
6:30pm: metformin+jardiance, small bowl of rotini w/meat sauce
9pm: ramekin of cashews and protein trail mix
3 beers

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