Saturday, September 10, 2022

A Dangerous Naparatus

This morning I was up before everyone again. Got the coffee going, let the dog out. I thought for sure we were going to do things today. I went to sit out on the patio for the first time since maybe May or June, it was cool enough and nice, but the mosquitoes were active and I didn't have spray. Note to self. Get some. 

Doug and I went to the farmer's market, and that's about it. Slightly disappointing. We got home and it looked like it was going to start pouring but the forecast said partly cloudy. Lies. He was listening to some music, playing with his phone. I went and laid down to also play with my phone, and next thing I knew it was 4pm. 

I looked into the guest room and he and the dog were out cold in there. 

A long time ago, we saw something on TV where someone said they were going to build a naparatus, and we thought that was hilarious. So now, if one of us is being nap-bound, the other will say "are you building a naparatus?"  There is an additional level of building a naparatus - it can be a dangerous naparatus. The kind of naparatus you fall into and you are not coming out, ever.  So I think this afternoon we both built ourselves a dangerous naparatus. I managed to escape from mine before he did. I made a marinade for the chicken thighs, and set it aside so hang out for a bit. 

The farmers market was nice, but it feels very end of the season. Well, that and we also got there later than usual (noon).  We got what we needed even though things looked more picked over than usual. The tomatoes we got are kind of ugly, but we'll just cut off the unattractive bits. He didn't buy another cantaloupe, because we are still working on one of the two we got last week. If I liked eggplant, boy howdy we would have come home with some eggplant. But I do not enjoy it, and I don't like cooking it. Maybe I should expand my horizons and get on that? Try it out? Meh? 

I had a nice text chat with Jess today. I needed plant parent advice about how to prop some Jade plant leaves. I really miss Jess. I'm going to see if they want to come for Thanksgiving maybe. I've got the whole week off. Maybe they'll come see Guster? I mean, I can only ask right? They can say no. 

Jess is like one of the only people I know who has not caught coronavirus yet. So. They may not want to come. And I get it. Doug gets angry about it, but we can and should offer leeway and kindness if there is worry about travel. 

Cross your fingers. I'll bring that up in a couple weeks maybe. 

I also was sitting here today wondering when we are supposed to check in with our property manager to ask about whether or not our lease can be extended. I bet they'll reach out to us, but, what if we need to move? The market is shit right now for finding anything. Is it too early? It's September already and I just set up the auto pay for October. Lease is up in February. So that's literally 4 months. It's so hard in this market to find things. 

I keep looking in our neighborhood and area, and Doug saw something for sale that piqued his interest but I know he doesn't want to buy. At least not here. In this economy. With these prices. I think a lot of things hinge on whether or not he can find a new job and where it is. He's very actively looking and applying. With Geoff in school for a year (to May 2023) in the Springfield VA area, moving closer to Baltimore may not be an option for him, if Doug gets a job there. I wouldn't mind moving north of Baltimore either, Bel Air, Havre de Grace, closer to the PA border would be okay by me. 

The fact my job says I can work from home forever is so wonderful. I can live anywhere. We just have to get us through Geoff's program and maybe some time where Doug has to commute someplace. 

Stuff that keeps me up at night thinking about, I tell ya. 

Anyway. Here's a sunflower. THE sunflower. It is over 12ft tall, it is bending over with its burden now. Wondering how much longer this one will last!

Digits below. 


exercise: Dedicated 10+22. Inside and walking around the perimeter of the house.

blood glucose:
9am: 153
4:30pm: 126

coffee, water
11am: 2 slices of 647 bread with low sugar PB and low sugar J (strawberry); metformin (a little earlier than "lunch" but I'm not sure when the next thing to eat is going to be). 
12:30 very nice peach
4:45pm: Handful of cub scout popcorn
5:30pm: 2 chicken thighs grilled (Marinade: Lime Juice, cilantro, garlic, cumin, chili powder), 2 carb balance fajita wraps with a handful of cheese on each, a little sour cream. Beer.
6:45pm beer
8pm: ramekin of mixed nuts and a beer.


  1. Anonymous10:19 AM

    127!!! Woot!!!

  2. Eliz in Rockport11:57 AM

    DAYS of good numbers-- LOVE that you can enjoy things still!
